Thursday, September 30, 2010

king cedar.

"God made beer and God made wine, but God made Sida so damn fine!"

MsN has once again decided to implode on me-- I'm not sure if it's MsN's fault, my computer's or TPG's-- so I'm just going to write something random.

OK, so I had a dream last night and actually remembered it in the morning! Shock horror! And it was a pretty cool dream.

So in my dream, I was lying on a hospital bed. I had cancer, and I was dying. Even though my body was on the hospital bed, me, as the dreamer, was watching the scene from a side view. As in, I'm like... Harry, when he dreamed he was in the snake. I was watching the scene from a different point of view.

OK, and the curtains start flying around like mad things and then, voila! The Grim Reaper apparates into the room! And seriously, he did apparate-- like the way Harry, Ron and Hermione apparated in front of a bus in that Deathly Hallows trailer.

And he leaned over my body, and started breathing on me.

It was very unnerving.

And then the dream ended.

I'm not sure if I woke up or forgot the rest, but that's... um... it. I have cancer, start dying, Grim Reaper comes and breathes on me.

Ha, yeah.

OK, that's it. And remember-- "God made beer and God made wine, but God made Sida so damn fine!"

Directly quoted from Sida Wang-ker.

I feel bad already for making fun of him. But his old phrase just walked into my head, and I started laughing like crazy and I had to include it somewhere in this post. And I hope the dear old fool never sees this post.

Good night,
~~ Wida Sang/Sida Wang-ker/King Cedar/Wida Freak Maybe

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