Thursday, September 30, 2010

dreaming... i know it's long but you should be used to my long posts by now

ok so i had a dream last night. you know how people say that dreams are like somewhat similar to what is going on in real life. well yeah i spooked coz i have been like wanting to like meet up with some ppl from primary just because we haven't seen them for ages and it would be nice just to well... see each other and that's exactly what i dreamed about sorta. So i woke up from this dream and wrote it all out really scribbly in my notebook and yeah i just going to use what i wrote coz i can't quite remember it right now. Oh and if you didn't going to my primary then there will be people you don't know... at all. ok here it goes.

It was like a full on primary school reunion! Joanne was there. Annie was there. Even Lisa was there. Tony, James and Andrew were there and weirdly enough Ryan Floyd was there. Why the beep was Ryan there. haha so odd. Anyways, ryan was acting super nice which was totally weird. Well we went into the school to the place/court where the flagpole was and then annie just walked off towards the canteen bu not actually to the canteen but in the direction of it and she eventually disappeared from our sight without saying a word. The rest of us just stood in the court area and started playing like catch and throw/piggy in the middle but like everyone was the piggy and so we would just try and get the ball desperately but then try and throw it away as quickly as possible. it was a really weird but hilariously fun games. I think i got dizzy at one point because we were running around so much. All i knew was that we were all having a freaking good time.

During the start of the game some guy kept bouncing the ball so high it touched the rooftops. Somehow that guy reminds me of Dean but i'm pretty sure he wasn't there. Ryan was in the game a lot. He passed the ball to me like a billion times and i could never catch it and my throws were terrible but i just kept playing and nobody seemed to care we were all laughing hysterically while we were playing. So much adrenaline. It was like we were all high. Lisa was in the game briefly and she was pretty good. Tony was as well. For some reason i didn't see James a lot. I think he got the ball like once. Joanne was like only briefly in the game as well. I remember that Andrew had this whole cool like act on. And the only time i remember him catching the ball, he did it exactly like how Stephen caught the football in Vamp D. With such presicion. He wasn't even playing he was standing on the silver seats and he had one hand around a grey pole. Then he threw it somewhere i forgot. Pro much.

I think Billy Zammit made an appearance at one stage. I was trying to throw the ball to Ryan or something and he intercepted by jumping up in the air. I think i was the least pro out of everyone. it was like my hand could hold anything. I might as well not have hand coz they didn't work. Oh and another thing, this thing however does not and i mean DOES NOT relate to real life. i think me and ryan liked each other. otherwise he wouldn't have passed to me like a billion times and his eyes wouldn't pierce right into my soul. haha i made that up (the soul bit). Remember this is a dream so... yeah.

Then the scene changed and we were waking up to the school office and we were talking about our selective scores and schools and stuff. That's when James was talking and stuff can't remember what he said though. Then I asked Tony "are we still having that outing this holiday" and he replied with something like "yes next holidays we are going to the park" but it was so unclear i wans't exactly if that's what he said. Then James said something like "next week" and they walked into the office. I lagged behind because for some reason i was waiting for annie and i had a feeling she wasn't going to come back but i still waited. And so i just stood outside the office still in view of the canteen though.The others were sitting at like a dining table inside the office all looking very happy. Lisa was sitting at the top and Andrew somewhere near the end thats all i remember about the seating arrangements. And yeah that's about it. Annie never came back.

This dream was pretty ordinary like there was no fire-breathing dragon that ate me up or no joanne and annie fighting for the rights to Andrew as their dearly bewedded husband. There was even a death in the whole thing which is quite disappointing. I'm the only one left with the normal dreams. Rach had vampires kill stuff. Joanne like either killed people or people killed her. And annie well i don't think annie ever tells me her dreams so yeah that's my dream for you. boring right?

ps: can you imagine ryan being nice? it is soooooo weird!

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