Sunday, September 12, 2010

fat as a whale.

Well i did say on friday that i might try and go bulimic all because of what kenway said. I sorta took offence from it so i decided why not go bulimic to protest. Annie said that if you didn't eat anything for like 12 hours and then you ate a vitamin c pill you would throw up so that's what i tried to do. Well lets just say i failed. I got home that friday and didn't eat anything for an hour before i got some yoghurt out of the fridge and  dug in. I'm such a quitter. The yoghurt at least was one of those 99% fat free ones. Then i drank some water and didn't eat anything else until dinner. Dinner was also a fail. I pratically just ate like i normally would. So that was the end of that plan. I did though take a vitamin c tablet thingo and i went to the bathroom and sat there for about 3 minutes just to see if i felt sick which i didn't i just felt hmm... bored. And now i'm sitting at the comp blogging about well this and eating ice-cream and munching on chedder flavoured shapes. I feel as fat as a whale but i don't care because i'm making up excuses to stuff myself with junk. well the ice-cream is like dairy and that is like calcium and good for your bones and the shapes are baked not fried and the cheese flavouring is also dairy so yeah. haha. Fat! that's what i am.

Anyways, i was on the bus sitting next to ina and angel and i go randomly "i'm fat" and angel goes "EXCUSE ME!" and i go yeah fat as a whale which is actually a line i stole from annie.
Well i suppose my protest was a bum but i do want to go bulimic for a day that's for sure.
I can't find my freaking jaw line that's how fat i am.
Oh and i'm a little obsessed with vampire diaries. Damon is hilarious.
And for rach could you put up the stuff you took at le pain quotidien thanks. and has mockingjay arrived yet?
Ps: no comments for this one please. i have a bad feeling that some ppl aren't going to be very happy.

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