Saturday, September 25, 2010

garage sales & holidays.

yes! my holidays have now officially work! woot. :D

today was quite an interesting day...not really. but it was quite okay. so, yeah.

i was just so tired at work today. i wanted to fall was slightly cold but it got better in the afternoon. isn't that great?

so after work, we had to stop by coles (me, mum & sister) to buy eggs. we managed to buy $12 worth of stuff. you know the coupons? we only spent $12, but the lady decided to give us two anyway. what a nice lady. :)

while we were in coles, me & nikki went to look at the deo, and it was like...$4.83. like, no way am i buying that. it's just deodorant for football's sake! sheez man. no need to go all expensive on me.

yes, in the morning while my mum was driving us to work, we spotted a sign sticky-taped one of those "keep left" sign poles. "GARAGE SALE" it declared in the large black print of a permanent marker, written on bright orange cardboard. of course, it caught our eye and we read quickly as we rolled past in the car. it was on nottingham cr. so, we thought to ourselves, we might as well go after work.

therefore, after work, we went (after coles) and i managed to buy 5 books, and nikki bought 4.

the books?
  • rumours by anna godbersen
  • envy by anna godbersen
  • little women by louisa may alcott
  • the tales of beedle the bard by j.k rowling and
  • harry potter and the deathly hallows by j.k rowling
like, yay!, much? harry potter looked pretty much new and each book was $1. how great! i like garage sales...of course, i'm asian, so how could i not?

and my holidays started with my reading the tales of beedle the bard. i especially like the tale of the three brothers. 'tis quite good. je suis contente with what i bought.

after i finished that awesome book, i moved on to eat celery (for the first time, i might add) with some peanut-butter. it was okay, i guess...then i went upstairs to my laptop and ipod dock. how i love the sound of music...:)

by the way, my uncle and his girlfriend have [almost completely] moved out. there's still a few bags to move and they'll be gone and i'll get the room! woop dee doooo.

i think i'mma go shopping tomorrow with my parents...i need some more cds...and clothes. hah. oh yes, and i need a new swimsuit. i have quite outgrown my old one.

that's enough of my chatter.

rach xxx

p.s easy A tomorrow! :D


  1. NO WAY!
    You have Tales of Beedle the Bard?
    I am infinitely jealous.
    I want to read that Babbity Rabbity and the something Pot one... it sounds so fun.

  2. haha. it gets kinda tedious, but i still like it. :D
