Thursday, September 2, 2010

9:25pm - we should really change the subject to change.

ok i know i know i should be posting. don't know why i have been such a lazy bum lately, seriously what is wrong with me. Especially since i have tests coming up i really should be studying and being quite prepared but no i just procrastinate and kill myself later on. Damn me. Anyways, hmm joanne seems pretty damn proud abt her drawing haha then i should probably get it up soon but not now. i don't know why i'm even blogging. maybe i'm feeling guilty. i really should be study for science tomoz and doing history stuff that's due tomoz and omg omg i just want to read mockingjay. it is bad enough that my friend is going on abt how good it is and i haven't read it yet. awww. annie and i had a pretty cool imprompt chat this morning. Somehow it went from fishing to murdering as a hobby to Chloe's dog Fido dying. It was strange and difficult at times but somehow we found a rhythm and it worked pretty well. Afternoon ones were fail.
I have realised lately that i repeat things... a lot! like i kept telling everyone that the french thing was cancelled over and over and then forgot i told them and told them again. I also use this as a convo starter. how lame am i. i know. very lame.
My hair is dying. i like putting it up in a bun and then taking it out and having wavy hair but then the ends die and i die. So much to do. Been so lazy. see there i go again on the repetition thing.
Also been quite obsessed with music lately. Getting into all the stuff i used to like. It was in Science when we were just doing some research stuff in C2 and i always listen to music and tap my foot to the awesome beat. I sing at home. when i'm alone obviously and i suck haha. Anyways, i say anyways a lot.  I say a lot a lot. I used to spell a lot as alot.
Don't want to know about the guys. Not like anyone was to tell me anything though. Just don't want to know. Don't tell me or i will stab you in the back with chainsaw and shread your body to bit and have it made into sausages and use these fresh sausages for the sizzle if we have another poll day in case we still don't have government. Otherwise i will have a competion with sweeny todd to see if my sausages are better than his pies. That reminds me about annie's dream about over the edge sung by sweeny.
Well i'm satisfied. I posted. Still looking for a suitable vid for glenny's. I was thinking maybe a Piranha 3d trailer (it isn't that scary) but nah. I reckon shane dawson's teletubby vid was funny. maybe i will put that one up.


  1. you spelt sweeney wrong. thought you ought to know.

  2. 'Troll in the dungeon! Thought you ought to know.'

  3. Beep you thought you ought to know. actually you didn't need to know

  4. Don't worry about it, I air-drum and air-guitar absentmindedly while I bob up and down. Come on, rocking's fun :D

  5. oh my. i was thinking about that same quote while i wrote my comment, annie! :D great minds think alike.
