Monday, September 27, 2010

A bit more about the vid

Well... the vid is up, finally. took me a while but not as long as i had expected. I'm always freaked about people's comments so go easy on me. i think i was trying something new after watching so many of those awesomely edited youtube video by like shane dawson ad stuff. Seriously that guy is amazing! Yeah well there are a heap of flaws. My camera work wasn't very good but i tried my best. Oh and also no music this time. I added the show by lenka then i took it out oz it was too distracting. You also realise that i'm reading harry potter backwards. haha that was weird. um... i have like a booming voice in the "TWO HOURS LATER" bit. i feel kinda powerful. Anyways, just glad it done. Wanted to try this new way of making vids. Maybe if it turns out alright and i don't suck as much as i think i do then i might make another during the holidays with a better costume. I didn't even where a costume for this vid. Wasn't really bothered.

Onto something totally unrelated... I watched Easy A yesterday with annie, jo, rachel and amy and i thought it was pretty good but for some reason it didn't reach my expectations. Maybe i set them too high. Still liked it though. Penn Badgley is sooooooooooooooooooo hot. haha i would love it if he could sing happy birthday to me with a lobster on his head. That would make my year.

anyways, anyways,

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