Friday, September 3, 2010

i know i know.. its freaking long.

maybe you'll find out now.... maybe we'll find our own light... so here i go... my hands are shaking as i walk so slow... to you.. is this the end... or just the beginning of a special friend... its me and you... i thought i saw you in the summer sky... you looked at me and i saw the stars in your eyes... i thought i hurt you was i out of line... or is this love... maybe we'll find out now... maybe we'll find our light.. oh woah.

Sorry just listening to summer sky by new empire. New Empire is awesome!!! Anyways thought i would continue posting since its the end of the week and i'm in blogging mood.

ok so firstly, i think three people managed to get on my list of people who i wouod have to shred to bits using a chainsaw and make them into sausages. Those people are Annie, Julian and myself. Be warned those people. Don't be suprised if u find me knocking on your door and your parents open the door to find an innocent little girl selling girl schout cookies only to realise a little too late that i'm actually a serial killer with a giant chainsaw hidden under my uniform. I will then charge it up like a lightening bolt and drive it around like a phsycho. You're parents will scream and run.. all the way to Canada and there they will obtain fake IDs and Pina Colada and Jake Slutandhoar will be their new names. While they're running i will make my way up to your bedroom where i will rip the heads off your teletubby toys and make out with the JB poster on your wall. I will then send my robot ladybug to come in and tackle you to the ground and blast out Pendulum on your ipod soooo freaking loud the roof blows off the top of your house. I will then hold you by the neck with one finger and slice you up so finely, you disappear. With my chainsaw of course. I will then toss you in a potato sack and make you into sausages like i said i would. For Annie specifically i will take Fearless a long with me and... eat it.  Yeah suck on that to the people who did exactly what i said i didn't want them to do. That's how you'll end up. haha (i said that in an evil tone).

Anyways, anyways, anyways... i love unicorns... and buttercups.

hmmm... julian said repetition today and a little bit of puke came up my throat. What an idiot. i specifically told him not to say it and he said it. Does he want me to puke on him? does he? does he? Oh and another thing... was it just me or when i was about to leave did the guys seems to move closer to us. It felt so horrific like the scenes in the movies where all four walls are closing in on you and you are going to be squished like a belgian waffle. That's how i felt when they moved 30 cm closer to us. I think i groaned and moaned.

That reminds me, joanne i think has a perfect groan (haha sounds like groin. what the freak is wrong with me). She groaned on the train and it was pitch and volume perfect. It was incredible. I tried immitating her but it was a total fail. I sounded like a flamingo having a seizure.

We also had a bit of slapping going on. I'm actually glad its back. We haven't slappd each other in a while and its nice to have it back and running like it used to. I faked a goodbye hug with annie to day on the station. I was actually just testing out how and where i was going to stab  my chainsaw into her back. like which part. I think Joanne then slapped her again. The sound of the newspaper hitting her face was... absolute bliss. It sounds even better when you rewind and play it back in slow mo. It is phenomenal.

That reminds me, bliss is a pretty word unlike repetition which is one of the worst words in the world (haha all three words started with "wor") I hate ugly words. Do you know why? Because they're ugly. i bet you didn't know.

That reminds me, i have started liking charades. I played it with Annie this morning and there was one where i was tring to tell her "this is Jonathan" because there is a guy on our train called Jonathan and he was standing right next to us like a stunned mullet. And she couldn't guess coz i was fail. Then she is all like how do you know his name is Jonathan and i try charading my reply and i gave up and said... because i asked him and we both cracked up because we knew that was the logical answer.

That reminds me, i say fail a lot. I have found two new words that i both like and will use more often. The words are bliss and logical. As you can see i have amazing taste in pretty words. That also reminds me, i say that reminds me a lot. Music is bliss and Annie didn't think of a logical answer. Just trying out my new fav words.

I hate tv shows with lame theme songs. I hate my bedroom light. I hate people who are made into sausages. I like polar bowler (it is so gay its funny) and chainsaws. As annie said today, i'm a weak little child. I love people who show the pain in their expression but don't make the sound of a scream. Ok back to summer sky. The night is young but you walk along...



  1. Yeah, have fun beeping me, since I'm in favour of Gale

  2. Yeah i will have fun beeping you but probably not annie coz she is damn sausage

  3. And it's Jake SLUTTENWHORE. :(

    I was joking about you beeping me, you know? T_T
