Monday, September 27, 2010

~oh dude.

I seem to have been typing that A LOT recently.

And I mean A LOT.

Okay, so this is what I have to go through over the last three days.

This is probably going to be the longest post I have ever written. Congratulate me.

Sat - relatives came over to celebrate my brother's birthday.
My brother's name is Dylan. He looks like me. He has just turned seven. He has squishy cheeks like me.
So anyway, my ten year old cousin pushed my two year old cousin over into a mirror/wall thingy that's in my house and the two year old cousin obviously started crying. NAWW. He's so cute when he cries though.
He is the most adorabibble baby EVERRRR. Well, he's a toddler now. How time flies. *sigh.
I had to make like a batch of the raspberry+white choc muffins again. They were softer, sweeter and nicer. Yayayayyayaya. And I liked them. Because they're my lovely creations.
They made me sight-read a piano piece. I stuffed up, but luckily, I was saved because my naughty *wink* cousins were switching the light on and off. So, the song ended up "flawless", if you took away the pauses when the light was on and off.

Sun - Family friends coming over, and Easy A.
Let me just FIRST talk about my family friends coming over.
I was so paranoid that Brandon and his family were going to come to my place, when my Mum mentioned Brandon's mum's name.
I went spastic.
But thank goodness they didn't come over.
My, that would've been awkward. At least we didn't need to get introduced to one another if that happened. But Mum promised one with Brandon's mum soon, so.. WISH ME LUCK.
So the family that came over made me make ANOTHER batch of raspberry+white choc muffins. Gaaaaah. GAAAAACK. They were even better than Saturday's, which was a shame, since there were like 827598237 people at my place on Saturday, and only 3 guests on Sunday.
And my mum's friend and I had some random leisurely 'catching up' chatting in Viet. .. Weird. I wonder why I do that.
Anyway, I had to sneak out of the house to go to Easy A, HAHA. To me, Easy A wasn't the BEST movie I'd ever seen, but it was pretty unique, that's for sure.
I don't really want to spoil it for the 'I-Haven't-Watched-Easy-A-Yet-So-Don't-Spoil-It-For-Me' people, but I guess it wasn't THAT good.
People may beg to differ.

Mon - The day I had to get up at 5am and when Grandma gave me 'The Talk' in Viet.
This morning, I had to get up at 5am. Actually, I have to get up at 5 tomorrow, too. Dad's taken up some holiday job, being useful for once. But he has to go pretty darn early. (Meaning 5am). Mum has to leave at 6, so Dad reckons we should go down to Grandma's.
Anyway, at Grandma's, I decided to have another nap, but since I brought my phone along, which was really stupid of me, my alarm (which I have forgotten to switch off) went off.
At 6:15.
I left the house before sunrise, I can't really remember the time.
I was cold.
And desolate.
And alone.
Fine, I wasn't desolate, nor was I alone.
But, I was cold.
And so, I caught up on my maths homework, but I had a hindrance at exercise 15:02.
I forgot to bring my calculator, and it had pi on it.
No, not edible omnomnomnomnom pie.
The 3.1415926[75?] something something something to a million and more decimal places. Gee whiz, I don't know how they figure all this stuff out. All this maths. Makes my head hurt.
So I was stopped at 15:02. Sadly. I'm still catching up.
I made my brother listen to November Rain by Guns n' Roses.
He likes it. Oh my gosh, it's such an epic 9 minute song. Well, approximately.
The violin solo is tres epic.
During dinner, which was at 6pm which is 'so, so late', according to my Grandmother..
She gave me 'The talk'. Because she FINALLY found out that my cousin and his petite amie had broken up.
That's kind of late. Even for me. It happened like three months ago.
So she had 'The talk', in Vietnamese, which was awkward. I was more focused on eating, but when she said the word 'homosexual', I was so surprised it wasn't funny. I was EATING, okay, and she was giving me THE talk. Obviously in Viet.
But it was just so surprising.


Good morning spring.

I hope i do not get hayfever.

It's like 11pm and I need to get up at 5 tomorrow.

Gaaaaah. I think I'll have a nap tomorrow.

Besides, I'll have the whole holidays to do that.

Goodnight, my dear sweeties.

Remember to congratulate me.


P.S. Decapitate.

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