Friday, September 3, 2010


you people should've been on the train today. not just because of the hot guy sitting behind us, but because i made an important discovery.

it's so huge, it'll make the front page of the mX.

no seriously. well actually, i made two discoveries.

first up, nina has NEVER, EVER, EVER eaten fantales. she didn't even know what they were until i mentioned on the train today - fiona had given some out in class since it was her birthday.

i mean seriously, never eaten fantales? what kind of weird person...

and next, jessica has NEVER, EVER EVER watched the lion king. EVER. no joke. and she doesn't know hakuna matata. she doesn't know what it means either. :O

every child who has never watched the lion king or any other well known disney animation movie is quite deprived.

like that girl in our class who has never watched mulan! i was shocked.

but you know, the hot guy that was sitting behind us...well we were sitting in a 6-seater, so i could see him - he was sitting behind jess. he was asian. i know, i know, i don't really go for asian guys, like, ever. but he looked kinda eurasian. like, hellooo hottie! :)

hah, and i said to jess that sometime later in life, i would go out with her brother, just to make her feel awkward. bwahaha. i'm such a nice friend.


oh yeah, during first period today, we had our science prac test. and my phone started ringing. gargh. seriously, of all the days to have been sent a text, they had to choose today, the one day that my phone wasn't on silent. :/

i'm hungry for chocolate slice.

rach xxx

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