Thursday, September 30, 2010

king cedar.

"God made beer and God made wine, but God made Sida so damn fine!"

MsN has once again decided to implode on me-- I'm not sure if it's MsN's fault, my computer's or TPG's-- so I'm just going to write something random.

OK, so I had a dream last night and actually remembered it in the morning! Shock horror! And it was a pretty cool dream.

So in my dream, I was lying on a hospital bed. I had cancer, and I was dying. Even though my body was on the hospital bed, me, as the dreamer, was watching the scene from a side view. As in, I'm like... Harry, when he dreamed he was in the snake. I was watching the scene from a different point of view.

OK, and the curtains start flying around like mad things and then, voila! The Grim Reaper apparates into the room! And seriously, he did apparate-- like the way Harry, Ron and Hermione apparated in front of a bus in that Deathly Hallows trailer.

And he leaned over my body, and started breathing on me.

It was very unnerving.

And then the dream ended.

I'm not sure if I woke up or forgot the rest, but that's... um... it. I have cancer, start dying, Grim Reaper comes and breathes on me.

Ha, yeah.

OK, that's it. And remember-- "God made beer and God made wine, but God made Sida so damn fine!"

Directly quoted from Sida Wang-ker.

I feel bad already for making fun of him. But his old phrase just walked into my head, and I started laughing like crazy and I had to include it somewhere in this post. And I hope the dear old fool never sees this post.

Good night,
~~ Wida Sang/Sida Wang-ker/King Cedar/Wida Freak Maybe

tomorrow shall be exciting.

CAMPING TOMORROW. how cool, eh?

i've become re-obsessed with deviantart...:D i was so happy yesterday - i got 21 page views! woot.

but so far today, i've only had 7. i'm sad now. perhaps it's because i posted up 4 photos yesterday and only 2 today...and 1 of the 2 from today was pretty bad. it was a pigeon. hah.

my latest picture?

there you go. the actual link is here and click here to visit my actual page! page views make me happy. (note: i know my work isn't as good as jo's but i'd still appreciate it if you looked at it! :P)

so, tomorrow, i'm leaving early-ish...have to be at my uncle's by 7. it's kinda like school all over again, sadly...oh well.

so we're going for 5 days...leaving tomorrow and coming back tuesday morning/afternoon. my mum says we're going to be swimming, like everyday though i don't mind. i want to get fit again. :D plus, i need to bring my art diaries for sketching...i think i'll write a list here...
  • art diaries - A3 & A4 and drawing tools
  • phone, earphones and charger
  • camera and extra batteries
  • harry potter and the deathly hallows
woop. camping is going to be très fun. hehehe.

aww man. tonight i need to bake muffins and re-paint my nails and pack the rest of my clothes...i may or may not be on depends on if i can be bothered to go to sleep early...or if my parents make me. :(

see you people in 5 days,

rach xxx

dreaming... i know it's long but you should be used to my long posts by now

ok so i had a dream last night. you know how people say that dreams are like somewhat similar to what is going on in real life. well yeah i spooked coz i have been like wanting to like meet up with some ppl from primary just because we haven't seen them for ages and it would be nice just to well... see each other and that's exactly what i dreamed about sorta. So i woke up from this dream and wrote it all out really scribbly in my notebook and yeah i just going to use what i wrote coz i can't quite remember it right now. Oh and if you didn't going to my primary then there will be people you don't know... at all. ok here it goes.

It was like a full on primary school reunion! Joanne was there. Annie was there. Even Lisa was there. Tony, James and Andrew were there and weirdly enough Ryan Floyd was there. Why the beep was Ryan there. haha so odd. Anyways, ryan was acting super nice which was totally weird. Well we went into the school to the place/court where the flagpole was and then annie just walked off towards the canteen bu not actually to the canteen but in the direction of it and she eventually disappeared from our sight without saying a word. The rest of us just stood in the court area and started playing like catch and throw/piggy in the middle but like everyone was the piggy and so we would just try and get the ball desperately but then try and throw it away as quickly as possible. it was a really weird but hilariously fun games. I think i got dizzy at one point because we were running around so much. All i knew was that we were all having a freaking good time.

During the start of the game some guy kept bouncing the ball so high it touched the rooftops. Somehow that guy reminds me of Dean but i'm pretty sure he wasn't there. Ryan was in the game a lot. He passed the ball to me like a billion times and i could never catch it and my throws were terrible but i just kept playing and nobody seemed to care we were all laughing hysterically while we were playing. So much adrenaline. It was like we were all high. Lisa was in the game briefly and she was pretty good. Tony was as well. For some reason i didn't see James a lot. I think he got the ball like once. Joanne was like only briefly in the game as well. I remember that Andrew had this whole cool like act on. And the only time i remember him catching the ball, he did it exactly like how Stephen caught the football in Vamp D. With such presicion. He wasn't even playing he was standing on the silver seats and he had one hand around a grey pole. Then he threw it somewhere i forgot. Pro much.

I think Billy Zammit made an appearance at one stage. I was trying to throw the ball to Ryan or something and he intercepted by jumping up in the air. I think i was the least pro out of everyone. it was like my hand could hold anything. I might as well not have hand coz they didn't work. Oh and another thing, this thing however does not and i mean DOES NOT relate to real life. i think me and ryan liked each other. otherwise he wouldn't have passed to me like a billion times and his eyes wouldn't pierce right into my soul. haha i made that up (the soul bit). Remember this is a dream so... yeah.

Then the scene changed and we were waking up to the school office and we were talking about our selective scores and schools and stuff. That's when James was talking and stuff can't remember what he said though. Then I asked Tony "are we still having that outing this holiday" and he replied with something like "yes next holidays we are going to the park" but it was so unclear i wans't exactly if that's what he said. Then James said something like "next week" and they walked into the office. I lagged behind because for some reason i was waiting for annie and i had a feeling she wasn't going to come back but i still waited. And so i just stood outside the office still in view of the canteen though.The others were sitting at like a dining table inside the office all looking very happy. Lisa was sitting at the top and Andrew somewhere near the end thats all i remember about the seating arrangements. And yeah that's about it. Annie never came back.

This dream was pretty ordinary like there was no fire-breathing dragon that ate me up or no joanne and annie fighting for the rights to Andrew as their dearly bewedded husband. There was even a death in the whole thing which is quite disappointing. I'm the only one left with the normal dreams. Rach had vampires kill stuff. Joanne like either killed people or people killed her. And annie well i don't think annie ever tells me her dreams so yeah that's my dream for you. boring right?

ps: can you imagine ryan being nice? it is soooooo weird!

Monday, September 27, 2010

~oh dude.

I seem to have been typing that A LOT recently.

And I mean A LOT.

Okay, so this is what I have to go through over the last three days.

This is probably going to be the longest post I have ever written. Congratulate me.

Sat - relatives came over to celebrate my brother's birthday.
My brother's name is Dylan. He looks like me. He has just turned seven. He has squishy cheeks like me.
So anyway, my ten year old cousin pushed my two year old cousin over into a mirror/wall thingy that's in my house and the two year old cousin obviously started crying. NAWW. He's so cute when he cries though.
He is the most adorabibble baby EVERRRR. Well, he's a toddler now. How time flies. *sigh.
I had to make like a batch of the raspberry+white choc muffins again. They were softer, sweeter and nicer. Yayayayyayaya. And I liked them. Because they're my lovely creations.
They made me sight-read a piano piece. I stuffed up, but luckily, I was saved because my naughty *wink* cousins were switching the light on and off. So, the song ended up "flawless", if you took away the pauses when the light was on and off.

Sun - Family friends coming over, and Easy A.
Let me just FIRST talk about my family friends coming over.
I was so paranoid that Brandon and his family were going to come to my place, when my Mum mentioned Brandon's mum's name.
I went spastic.
But thank goodness they didn't come over.
My, that would've been awkward. At least we didn't need to get introduced to one another if that happened. But Mum promised one with Brandon's mum soon, so.. WISH ME LUCK.
So the family that came over made me make ANOTHER batch of raspberry+white choc muffins. Gaaaaah. GAAAAACK. They were even better than Saturday's, which was a shame, since there were like 827598237 people at my place on Saturday, and only 3 guests on Sunday.
And my mum's friend and I had some random leisurely 'catching up' chatting in Viet. .. Weird. I wonder why I do that.
Anyway, I had to sneak out of the house to go to Easy A, HAHA. To me, Easy A wasn't the BEST movie I'd ever seen, but it was pretty unique, that's for sure.
I don't really want to spoil it for the 'I-Haven't-Watched-Easy-A-Yet-So-Don't-Spoil-It-For-Me' people, but I guess it wasn't THAT good.
People may beg to differ.

Mon - The day I had to get up at 5am and when Grandma gave me 'The Talk' in Viet.
This morning, I had to get up at 5am. Actually, I have to get up at 5 tomorrow, too. Dad's taken up some holiday job, being useful for once. But he has to go pretty darn early. (Meaning 5am). Mum has to leave at 6, so Dad reckons we should go down to Grandma's.
Anyway, at Grandma's, I decided to have another nap, but since I brought my phone along, which was really stupid of me, my alarm (which I have forgotten to switch off) went off.
At 6:15.
I left the house before sunrise, I can't really remember the time.
I was cold.
And desolate.
And alone.
Fine, I wasn't desolate, nor was I alone.
But, I was cold.
And so, I caught up on my maths homework, but I had a hindrance at exercise 15:02.
I forgot to bring my calculator, and it had pi on it.
No, not edible omnomnomnomnom pie.
The 3.1415926[75?] something something something to a million and more decimal places. Gee whiz, I don't know how they figure all this stuff out. All this maths. Makes my head hurt.
So I was stopped at 15:02. Sadly. I'm still catching up.
I made my brother listen to November Rain by Guns n' Roses.
He likes it. Oh my gosh, it's such an epic 9 minute song. Well, approximately.
The violin solo is tres epic.
During dinner, which was at 6pm which is 'so, so late', according to my Grandmother..
She gave me 'The talk'. Because she FINALLY found out that my cousin and his petite amie had broken up.
That's kind of late. Even for me. It happened like three months ago.
So she had 'The talk', in Vietnamese, which was awkward. I was more focused on eating, but when she said the word 'homosexual', I was so surprised it wasn't funny. I was EATING, okay, and she was giving me THE talk. Obviously in Viet.
But it was just so surprising.


Good morning spring.

I hope i do not get hayfever.

It's like 11pm and I need to get up at 5 tomorrow.

Gaaaaah. I think I'll have a nap tomorrow.

Besides, I'll have the whole holidays to do that.

Goodnight, my dear sweeties.

Remember to congratulate me.


P.S. Decapitate.

A bit more about the vid

Well... the vid is up, finally. took me a while but not as long as i had expected. I'm always freaked about people's comments so go easy on me. i think i was trying something new after watching so many of those awesomely edited youtube video by like shane dawson ad stuff. Seriously that guy is amazing! Yeah well there are a heap of flaws. My camera work wasn't very good but i tried my best. Oh and also no music this time. I added the show by lenka then i took it out oz it was too distracting. You also realise that i'm reading harry potter backwards. haha that was weird. um... i have like a booming voice in the "TWO HOURS LATER" bit. i feel kinda powerful. Anyways, just glad it done. Wanted to try this new way of making vids. Maybe if it turns out alright and i don't suck as much as i think i do then i might make another during the holidays with a better costume. I didn't even where a costume for this vid. Wasn't really bothered.

Onto something totally unrelated... I watched Easy A yesterday with annie, jo, rachel and amy and i thought it was pretty good but for some reason it didn't reach my expectations. Maybe i set them too high. Still liked it though. Penn Badgley is sooooooooooooooooooo hot. haha i would love it if he could sing happy birthday to me with a lobster on his head. That would make my year.

anyways, anyways,

Saturday, September 25, 2010

garage sales & holidays.

yes! my holidays have now officially work! woot. :D

today was quite an interesting day...not really. but it was quite okay. so, yeah.

i was just so tired at work today. i wanted to fall was slightly cold but it got better in the afternoon. isn't that great?

so after work, we had to stop by coles (me, mum & sister) to buy eggs. we managed to buy $12 worth of stuff. you know the coupons? we only spent $12, but the lady decided to give us two anyway. what a nice lady. :)

while we were in coles, me & nikki went to look at the deo, and it was like...$4.83. like, no way am i buying that. it's just deodorant for football's sake! sheez man. no need to go all expensive on me.

yes, in the morning while my mum was driving us to work, we spotted a sign sticky-taped one of those "keep left" sign poles. "GARAGE SALE" it declared in the large black print of a permanent marker, written on bright orange cardboard. of course, it caught our eye and we read quickly as we rolled past in the car. it was on nottingham cr. so, we thought to ourselves, we might as well go after work.

therefore, after work, we went (after coles) and i managed to buy 5 books, and nikki bought 4.

the books?
  • rumours by anna godbersen
  • envy by anna godbersen
  • little women by louisa may alcott
  • the tales of beedle the bard by j.k rowling and
  • harry potter and the deathly hallows by j.k rowling
like, yay!, much? harry potter looked pretty much new and each book was $1. how great! i like garage sales...of course, i'm asian, so how could i not?

and my holidays started with my reading the tales of beedle the bard. i especially like the tale of the three brothers. 'tis quite good. je suis contente with what i bought.

after i finished that awesome book, i moved on to eat celery (for the first time, i might add) with some peanut-butter. it was okay, i guess...then i went upstairs to my laptop and ipod dock. how i love the sound of music...:)

by the way, my uncle and his girlfriend have [almost completely] moved out. there's still a few bags to move and they'll be gone and i'll get the room! woop dee doooo.

i think i'mma go shopping tomorrow with my parents...i need some more cds...and clothes. hah. oh yes, and i need a new swimsuit. i have quite outgrown my old one.

that's enough of my chatter.

rach xxx

p.s easy A tomorrow! :D


oh i am.
well, how have holidays been going?
would you consider the weekend before the first day of the first week part of the hols??
i do.
it feels like it to me.
anyways, mum is angry because i said i would clean up my room.
i was going to do it this morning but procrastination took over.
so i'm going to do it after this post.
if i don't, what will be my punishment?
a slap in the face won't work.
i tried it myself.
i slapped myself sooo hard that my cheek went red.
and i still wouldn't get off the computer.
how abt two slaps.
i haven't tried that before.
maybe it will work.
ok. agreed.
haha i agreed with myself.
anyways, new post and playlist on glennys.
tried to do a vid today but failed.
blame my friend polly.
that was random.
movie tomoz.
that text i am going to send is coming.
you wait and it will come.
i hate starting sentences with capitals.
post my darlings, post.

on the verge of hair dye.

Monday, September 13, 2010


In other news... I am being haunted.

By what? I hear you ask.

By a line, I answer.

And by 'a line', I mean by a sentence. TWO sentences to be precise.

They have been haunting me. It started, first, in computers this morning. We were supposed to be watching the fashion parade and everything, but I was... not paying much attention. And then we were supposed to put our websites on EduWeb.

And then... it happened.

The haunting began.

Step One. Click Year 2014. Or is it Class of 2014? Something like that.
Step Two. Select 7R.
Step Three. Click on *my name (censored for privacy reasons and to prevent any unwanted stalking. I have met victims of stalking... and the results are not pretty. Sometimes they are ill. Sometimes they are ill on Mondays, like today for instance. Sometimes their names are... also censored)*
Step Four. Ignore the fire and the 'Hello! I am *censored* :)'. Proceed to hover your mouse over the pencil drawing a smiley face beside English.


"At night, I dream of dark eyes and velvet voices. In the background, I hear the sound of rivers."

If ANYBODY can tell me WHAT THE HECK this is and WHY THE HECK it is on my EduWeb and HOW THE HECK it got there and IF THE HECK I actually put it on, notify me immediately.

Then we can conduct a seance and drive this unwanted ghost OUT OF EDUWEB IMMEDIATELY.

Thank you.

And never forget...

"At night, I dream of dark eyes and velvet voices. In the background, I hear the sound of rivers."

the vampire diaries.

OK, I know most of the people here don't watch The Vampire Diaries, but I'm still reeling from the first episode of Season Two. So I'm just going to write a short post about my feelings on it.


I'm telling you, Ian Somerhalder and Nina Dobrev are such good actors. Nina is double-acting-- which is SO COOL, 'cause one of her characters is this evil, manipulative psycho and the other is this nice girl. And I CRIED BECAUSE OF DAMON. AS IN, IAN SOMERHALDER. BECAUSE HE CONVEYS SO MUCH EMOTION. SUCH EMOTION. SUCH, SUCH EMOTION.


I cannot wait until next week.
To Joanne-- I hope you are well. Even though I was rejoicing in your death and glorifying in your non-existence, I, er, missed you. ONLY VERY SLIGHTLY.
Rachel-- I dearly hope your essay goes well. NOT. HAHA.


Damn it. I'm sick.

Oh well, time to catch up on my MATHS.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

fat as a whale.

Well i did say on friday that i might try and go bulimic all because of what kenway said. I sorta took offence from it so i decided why not go bulimic to protest. Annie said that if you didn't eat anything for like 12 hours and then you ate a vitamin c pill you would throw up so that's what i tried to do. Well lets just say i failed. I got home that friday and didn't eat anything for an hour before i got some yoghurt out of the fridge and  dug in. I'm such a quitter. The yoghurt at least was one of those 99% fat free ones. Then i drank some water and didn't eat anything else until dinner. Dinner was also a fail. I pratically just ate like i normally would. So that was the end of that plan. I did though take a vitamin c tablet thingo and i went to the bathroom and sat there for about 3 minutes just to see if i felt sick which i didn't i just felt hmm... bored. And now i'm sitting at the comp blogging about well this and eating ice-cream and munching on chedder flavoured shapes. I feel as fat as a whale but i don't care because i'm making up excuses to stuff myself with junk. well the ice-cream is like dairy and that is like calcium and good for your bones and the shapes are baked not fried and the cheese flavouring is also dairy so yeah. haha. Fat! that's what i am.

Anyways, i was on the bus sitting next to ina and angel and i go randomly "i'm fat" and angel goes "EXCUSE ME!" and i go yeah fat as a whale which is actually a line i stole from annie.
Well i suppose my protest was a bum but i do want to go bulimic for a day that's for sure.
I can't find my freaking jaw line that's how fat i am.
Oh and i'm a little obsessed with vampire diaries. Damon is hilarious.
And for rach could you put up the stuff you took at le pain quotidien thanks. and has mockingjay arrived yet?
Ps: no comments for this one please. i have a bad feeling that some ppl aren't going to be very happy.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I like to..

I like to sleep.

So I slept in class.

During some random video about savages.

Not cool.

We had some random sub, too, so I ate my lunch in history.



I can play Twinkle twinkle on the violin now.

Albeit rather off-tunely.


Gahh, I don't know what to write.

I need a good topic.




I like to be hyperactive, stupid, and .. well, stupid.

The end.

My second cousin is so stupid, sheesh. He phones me when I'm standing at the other side of the platform . Weirdo.

Guy stampede

haha well thought i'd recount the day we didn't do sport and tell everybody what we did. Well annie full on told rach basically everything that was in the hunger games. I have to say that annie is a magnificent story teller and that somehow she ended up turning the book into some sort of comedy. I was engrossed even though i already knew what happened. Still waiting for mockingjay and i suppose if i try and forget abt it i won't be soo impatient. Well in the middle of the story there was this pack of guys from sbhs since we were on their grounds like doing sorta like a jog thingo and i totally didn't notice them because i was so into the story and then somebody i forget who called out to us and told us to run!! otherwise we would be runover by a pack of guys. I suddenly turned around, had a quick laughing fit and was like wtf before i got out of the way. I then continued with my full laughing fit and tumbled into joanne in the process. It was pretty funny. I also remember the bee that crept up on us and i was like "...bee!" and everyone sorta pounced out of the way while annie just sat there because she had a slow reaction and it looked as if annie was repelling everyone. Anyways, she eventually got up and we kept moving around to places because rachel was. And whatever rach did we followed.

Something unrelated. Well today the mysterious tapping dude came back and did his job. I might have mentioned before that this dude tapped me like a billion times before and it go me incredibly paranoid because an old man did he same tap to me and i thought it was the dude and so i turned around with a angry expession on my face to see someone totally unexpected. Paranoia struck. everyone around me seemed to find it funny and so today when the same dude tapped jo it was bliss to my eyes. 1st. i found out who it was coz he was like.. right there. 2nd. it was just fun to see jo get tapped instead of me for once and 3rd. Well he got caught. haha. well sorta. jo pointed him out afterwards. Yeah suck on that. Not sooo mysterious now are you????!!!

Hmmm... what else. well i just wanted to ask if anyone has a chainsaw they could lend to me because somehow i replaced mine. If you do well just start it up and i will be right there coz im... psychic.

Um well i'm fatter than everyone in this enitre universe times by a trillion and one. Beep that you lazy snow eggs. Oh and sorry for writing in blue before don't know what came over me.

French brekky tomoz,

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Joanne's Drawing.

Joanne's been wanting me to get this up so here it is, in all its glory. and btw it was all annie's idea to put andrew up there. they keep having this pointless war on who loves andrew and who going to marry andrew blah blah blah. I'm never included. not that i want to be. anyways as you can see, even though this is jo's dream cake, for some reason annie is the one marrying andrew. haha.


Friday, September 3, 2010


But now the PROM QUEEN, the PROM QUEEN
Is crying, sitting outside my door
See, you never know how
How everything can turn around

Well, since everybody seems to be quoting song lyrics, I decided to quote Prom Queen, the notoriously horrible song by the notoriously horrible LIL WAYNE!

Guys, you have to watch this stupid song's video. SO WEIRD. SO FUNNY. BUT MOSTLY WEIRD.


She got a smile that it seems to me,
Reminds me of childhood memories,
When everything was fresh as a bright blue sky..
Now and then when I see your face,
It takes me away to a special place,
And if I stare too much,
I'd probably break down and cry..
Whoaaaaa, sweet child o' mine..

Ahh, those were song lyrics to 'Sweet Child o' Mine', by Guns n' Roses.
So was Immigrant Song.
In Bloom was on the radio a few weeks ago.
Orange Crush by REM was on tonight was well, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
MY NIRVANA COLLECTION HAS REACHED FIFTY-ONE. That's right. Fifty. One. Yes. I got a whole bunch off the G:/ Drive, HAHA.
Even though all we did was seek refuge in the toilets, I've actually done something I have wanted to do for a long, LONG time. Hahaha, I was helping Amy revise her maths.

Well, you wanted another blog post, you got one.


Rock on honeys. \../ Hmm, does that look like that rocking sign thing? :D


you people should've been on the train today. not just because of the hot guy sitting behind us, but because i made an important discovery.

it's so huge, it'll make the front page of the mX.

no seriously. well actually, i made two discoveries.

first up, nina has NEVER, EVER, EVER eaten fantales. she didn't even know what they were until i mentioned on the train today - fiona had given some out in class since it was her birthday.

i mean seriously, never eaten fantales? what kind of weird person...

and next, jessica has NEVER, EVER EVER watched the lion king. EVER. no joke. and she doesn't know hakuna matata. she doesn't know what it means either. :O

every child who has never watched the lion king or any other well known disney animation movie is quite deprived.

like that girl in our class who has never watched mulan! i was shocked.

but you know, the hot guy that was sitting behind us...well we were sitting in a 6-seater, so i could see him - he was sitting behind jess. he was asian. i know, i know, i don't really go for asian guys, like, ever. but he looked kinda eurasian. like, hellooo hottie! :)

hah, and i said to jess that sometime later in life, i would go out with her brother, just to make her feel awkward. bwahaha. i'm such a nice friend.


oh yeah, during first period today, we had our science prac test. and my phone started ringing. gargh. seriously, of all the days to have been sent a text, they had to choose today, the one day that my phone wasn't on silent. :/

i'm hungry for chocolate slice.

rach xxx

i know i know.. its freaking long.

maybe you'll find out now.... maybe we'll find our own light... so here i go... my hands are shaking as i walk so slow... to you.. is this the end... or just the beginning of a special friend... its me and you... i thought i saw you in the summer sky... you looked at me and i saw the stars in your eyes... i thought i hurt you was i out of line... or is this love... maybe we'll find out now... maybe we'll find our light.. oh woah.

Sorry just listening to summer sky by new empire. New Empire is awesome!!! Anyways thought i would continue posting since its the end of the week and i'm in blogging mood.

ok so firstly, i think three people managed to get on my list of people who i wouod have to shred to bits using a chainsaw and make them into sausages. Those people are Annie, Julian and myself. Be warned those people. Don't be suprised if u find me knocking on your door and your parents open the door to find an innocent little girl selling girl schout cookies only to realise a little too late that i'm actually a serial killer with a giant chainsaw hidden under my uniform. I will then charge it up like a lightening bolt and drive it around like a phsycho. You're parents will scream and run.. all the way to Canada and there they will obtain fake IDs and Pina Colada and Jake Slutandhoar will be their new names. While they're running i will make my way up to your bedroom where i will rip the heads off your teletubby toys and make out with the JB poster on your wall. I will then send my robot ladybug to come in and tackle you to the ground and blast out Pendulum on your ipod soooo freaking loud the roof blows off the top of your house. I will then hold you by the neck with one finger and slice you up so finely, you disappear. With my chainsaw of course. I will then toss you in a potato sack and make you into sausages like i said i would. For Annie specifically i will take Fearless a long with me and... eat it.  Yeah suck on that to the people who did exactly what i said i didn't want them to do. That's how you'll end up. haha (i said that in an evil tone).

Anyways, anyways, anyways... i love unicorns... and buttercups.

hmmm... julian said repetition today and a little bit of puke came up my throat. What an idiot. i specifically told him not to say it and he said it. Does he want me to puke on him? does he? does he? Oh and another thing... was it just me or when i was about to leave did the guys seems to move closer to us. It felt so horrific like the scenes in the movies where all four walls are closing in on you and you are going to be squished like a belgian waffle. That's how i felt when they moved 30 cm closer to us. I think i groaned and moaned.

That reminds me, joanne i think has a perfect groan (haha sounds like groin. what the freak is wrong with me). She groaned on the train and it was pitch and volume perfect. It was incredible. I tried immitating her but it was a total fail. I sounded like a flamingo having a seizure.

We also had a bit of slapping going on. I'm actually glad its back. We haven't slappd each other in a while and its nice to have it back and running like it used to. I faked a goodbye hug with annie to day on the station. I was actually just testing out how and where i was going to stab  my chainsaw into her back. like which part. I think Joanne then slapped her again. The sound of the newspaper hitting her face was... absolute bliss. It sounds even better when you rewind and play it back in slow mo. It is phenomenal.

That reminds me, bliss is a pretty word unlike repetition which is one of the worst words in the world (haha all three words started with "wor") I hate ugly words. Do you know why? Because they're ugly. i bet you didn't know.

That reminds me, i have started liking charades. I played it with Annie this morning and there was one where i was tring to tell her "this is Jonathan" because there is a guy on our train called Jonathan and he was standing right next to us like a stunned mullet. And she couldn't guess coz i was fail. Then she is all like how do you know his name is Jonathan and i try charading my reply and i gave up and said... because i asked him and we both cracked up because we knew that was the logical answer.

That reminds me, i say fail a lot. I have found two new words that i both like and will use more often. The words are bliss and logical. As you can see i have amazing taste in pretty words. That also reminds me, i say that reminds me a lot. Music is bliss and Annie didn't think of a logical answer. Just trying out my new fav words.

I hate tv shows with lame theme songs. I hate my bedroom light. I hate people who are made into sausages. I like polar bowler (it is so gay its funny) and chainsaws. As annie said today, i'm a weak little child. I love people who show the pain in their expression but don't make the sound of a scream. Ok back to summer sky. The night is young but you walk along...


Thursday, September 2, 2010

9:25pm - we should really change the subject to change.

ok i know i know i should be posting. don't know why i have been such a lazy bum lately, seriously what is wrong with me. Especially since i have tests coming up i really should be studying and being quite prepared but no i just procrastinate and kill myself later on. Damn me. Anyways, hmm joanne seems pretty damn proud abt her drawing haha then i should probably get it up soon but not now. i don't know why i'm even blogging. maybe i'm feeling guilty. i really should be study for science tomoz and doing history stuff that's due tomoz and omg omg i just want to read mockingjay. it is bad enough that my friend is going on abt how good it is and i haven't read it yet. awww. annie and i had a pretty cool imprompt chat this morning. Somehow it went from fishing to murdering as a hobby to Chloe's dog Fido dying. It was strange and difficult at times but somehow we found a rhythm and it worked pretty well. Afternoon ones were fail.
I have realised lately that i repeat things... a lot! like i kept telling everyone that the french thing was cancelled over and over and then forgot i told them and told them again. I also use this as a convo starter. how lame am i. i know. very lame.
My hair is dying. i like putting it up in a bun and then taking it out and having wavy hair but then the ends die and i die. So much to do. Been so lazy. see there i go again on the repetition thing.
Also been quite obsessed with music lately. Getting into all the stuff i used to like. It was in Science when we were just doing some research stuff in C2 and i always listen to music and tap my foot to the awesome beat. I sing at home. when i'm alone obviously and i suck haha. Anyways, i say anyways a lot.  I say a lot a lot. I used to spell a lot as alot.
Don't want to know about the guys. Not like anyone was to tell me anything though. Just don't want to know. Don't tell me or i will stab you in the back with chainsaw and shread your body to bit and have it made into sausages and use these fresh sausages for the sizzle if we have another poll day in case we still don't have government. Otherwise i will have a competion with sweeny todd to see if my sausages are better than his pies. That reminds me about annie's dream about over the edge sung by sweeny.
Well i'm satisfied. I posted. Still looking for a suitable vid for glenny's. I was thinking maybe a Piranha 3d trailer (it isn't that scary) but nah. I reckon shane dawson's teletubby vid was funny. maybe i will put that one up.

I'm stupid.

You asked me to post, there you go.

I'm stupid haha.

The end.

P.S. Glo, if you get this, upload the Guns n' Roses cake on here!