Saturday, July 31, 2010

binge shopping.

i have, yet again, fallen victim of bingeing. online shopping bingeing.

ugh. i have just spent the last two hours playing mario kart and tweeting, but most of all, i have been online shopping. i feel so guilty about shopping online for that long. i'm so stupid that i just forgot how to spell stupid. (but of course, this is the internet, and i can change what i wrote before). @_@

on my online-window-shopping-spree, i was looking at shoes. yes, new obsession. oh dear. not good. stupid rachel.

i need someone to cure me of binge-online-shopping. i'm going crazy.

though last night, i stayed up 'till 10:30/11:00 drawing. drawing does take my mind off things. you guys should try it if you realise you're getting obsessed with something.

unless it's a healthy obsession?

rach xxx,

(the craziest, most unhealthy-obsession-prone person you shall ever meet).

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