Thursday, July 29, 2010


warning: read at your own risk...if you don't like a bit of gore don't read it. :|

oh. my. shizzle.

i had this awful dream last night. it scary.

there were vampires. big, scary vampires. horrible, bloodthirsty vampires.

and...i killed them.

but it was scary. seriously, they were big and bloodthirsty. they were chasing after me, and for some reason i was in the english part of the school. around E5 or something. anyways, it was really dark...night time or something. i was holding this thing. a bit like a lance/giant scalpel.

and with that giant scalpel thing, i slashed at those evil vampires! *victory music* but there were too many. >:( and they were trying to kill me. i remember i kept cutting them and i chopped off one of them's arm. haha.

also, being the clumsy person i am, when i was slashing at one, i also cut myself on the thigh. i could feel the pain! it was so weird. :/ and then i was bleeding...i killed the vampires by slashing their throats. how evil i am, but it was all in the name of survival!

i could feel the giant scalpel thing dragging through those guys. it was so scary. dreams feel so real. :S and then some sydney girls people were there. annie was there. she was helping me...but she disappeared halfway through my dream...i hope she wasn't killed. D:

and then all the people that the vampires "killed" turned into zombies. they moved like humans, except a bit robotically. you could tell if they were zombified.

when i sent someone off for more "weapons" for other people, i was trying to fight off the vampires. eventually, i took refuge in E5...except it was double the size...

and then i woke up. i remember all through my dream i was hoping i would wake up...hah.

so, it was a very very very very scary dream...c'est very very horrible and scary. (it was way longer than what i wrote, but those were the "highlights").

i think you've had enough.

rach xxx

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