Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Just venting..

.. I know, I know, bleh bleh bleh, they haven't done much to us.


okay. So going to school involves catching a train to and from school. On the way home (Rachel wouldn't TOTALLY know but yeah, I kinda told her 'cause I didn't know what 'fish' meant.) there's these dudes who get on the train yeah, and they slightly victimise us. Though I think they seem to have taken a liking to Annie, HAHAHHAHAA.

It's a mob of dewds. Who go to CBHS. Some of them are seniors and hog a laptop the whole time, then there's a random bunch of juniors - around years 8-9, I think. They both go to the same school. I think I said that already. Well, sometimes they seem to mutually team up, like this scene which I remember watching. But I can't remember what anyone said. And there's ALWAYS a midget. He's usually the main offender. And the group swears a lot. So sad.

Okay: Scene 1. When Cecilia and Glo were reading the newspapers, while Annie and I were cracking down on the crosswords. Note that all swear-words are censored.

Midget: Look at those ****ing girls with their ****ing mX's! ****ing *****es!
Friend: Haha. (Or something like that._
*gets off train.*

Joanne thinks: *OAWUIDYAIUWYEIUAWYIAEUWY(*&%@#(*&(#@IJAWiuIUyi923489273!*

And so on. I bet you, there was a time when that midget used the F-word ten times in a sentence.

Scene 2. When Annie was happily sipping on her last remnants of easyway. Actually, this one was pretty funny, but oh well. This is just for HUMILIATEION. I know I spelt it wrong, it was intentional. GASP.

Annie sips on her Easyway happily.
Midget: Can I take a sip?
Midget looks at Easyway.
Midget: Aww, it's finished anyway.

Glo: ..
Annie: ..
Joanne: ..

Scene 3. Just yesterday, when some dudes tried to show us something on their laptop, I believe, and when the dudes decided to call us fish. I think. Well they said stuff about 'two girls', and 'fish'. Here goes.

Midget: Two girls. ****ing fish!
Midget gets off train.
Cecilia: What the.
Me: I'm pretty sure he said 'two girls', instead of three.
Glo: Well, then he can't count.
Me: Or maybe they count like: 'One, three, two, etc.'

Previously, the senior guys were probably trying to show us something that they thought was cool. I THINK it was porn, I don't actually know, though. I heard moaning or whatever sounds coming from it, and considering their age, gender, and all that, I actually think that it's porn. I wouldn't know, though.

Okay, I'll go off and disappear.



  1. okay. here's what i think. they were watching porn. and there were two girls in the porn. and they were ****ing fish. or maybe fish is a code-word. :|

  2. lol. oh and there was another scenario where i did the run across the station and back thing for the fourth time and they called me a rebel. haha
