Monday, July 26, 2010

Getting it out there.

I just want to totally throw everything that is running through my head into this post so i can get it all out into the open for further discussion.

Firstly must I say Annie is a crack up, Jo is hot and Rach always has a nice lunch. And if you then include me into this awesome trio (i'm so pathetic. i have nothing good to offer besides my distinctive likes for other ppl's dislikes) we make up the four sophisticated (ok maybe not annie) authors of this blog and might i say how ecstatic i am to finally have this up and running!!!!

Secondly i would like ask if you would prefer we have a playlist on the blog or not because if yes i bags making it. I also thank the person who got the cbox up so quickly. I'm assuming it's Jo coz she is the only one who would name it Bob the Box.

Thirdly, i don't know about you but i want this to be a public blog. If it's okay with you guys the url will be probably put in my msn pm so we at least get a few views. I hope we do. And if its public i suppose we have to write sensibly. Actually stuff that! Let's do whatever we want!I suppose the only thing i don't want happening if doing tumblr on blogger. Posts should be souly written from you guys and everything else should stay where it is. So yeah.

Fourthly, this is a great way of recapping how your day of school went if someone else didn't see you the whole day. Like when sometimes i don't see Rach all day because I'm stuck doing some english assignment in the comp room (actually i'm just listening to pedulum) and later on i want to know what she did, just post and i will be satified. Also you can like remind each other if something is happening the next day eg. a civi day or a holiday outing. Also if you are away of something and you wanna know what you missed as in school related stuff (as if i wanna know that, HAH!) So yeah.
Oh and also movie and book reviews would be great. Recommending and sharing cool stuff off the web through this site. 

Fifthly(i think i spelt it wrong), Maybe we should write in a specific font of coour of something to identify who it is we are reading from just to add a little bit of a touch or we could just stick to the initial name thing at the end of the post. It's up to you guys.

Something after fifth, we may have access to other ppl's accounts i'm not sure but i don't think anyone should touch anyone else's stuff like maybe even removing someone else's post. just getting that out.

And lastly, I would like to ask that since this group blog is up, should i quit my "world". I don't think i would like to coz i love it to bits but yeah two blog huh? i might not know which one to write on.

Anyways hope that wasn't too much( it probably was),
ps: i'm going to remove this later.
pps: why do i love callum so much?


  1. firstly, i have 3 blogs and i'm not complaining. i just write on each occasionally. :) (this means don't stop your other blog)

    secondly, i also mostly use light blue for my posts and sign off at the end as well.

    thirdly, i put up the cbox, being the awesome one i am and i named it bob the box. :)

    fourthly, i shall make it public.

    fifthly, i don't think you should make the playlist. we should all chuck in a few songs each. isn't that only fair?

    sixthly, i think it's a great way to recap our day, but don't forget it's public.

    seventhly, don't touch other people's stuff.

    eighthly, i think it's a good idea about the reviews. :)

    lastly, i would like to add that slightly-emo and rock-ish music is awesome.

    rach xxx

    p.s bradley james & lucas neill are hawwwwtttt.

  2. Thing is.

    What we should do IS:

    Have two songs each - meaning a total of eight songs. Instead of bagsing it, we could draw numbers from a hat or something, and so yeah.

    And metal, hard-rock, grunge, half-screamo is totally cool. I'm okay with full emo. I'm going to have a one sentence post on my blog soon.
