Sunday, July 25, 2010

and now.

As I type this line, it is 12:47am.

I am Aza. Only no one actually calls me that. My real name I share with a self-titled movie starring a red-haired afro girl. I am Australian, and (according to my Blogger profile) one thousand nine hundred and sixteen years old.

I have a messed-up sleeping pattern in which I stay up at night and nap in the afternoon. This means my bones don't grow very well. I also like eating. Therefore, I am fat. Being both fat and short is not a good combination.

I like art, but I suck at it. I also like to write, but I'm not as good as I'd like to be. I like Harry Potter-- the character Snape especially. I mostly like non-mainstream bands. I like good, meaningful lyrics. I generally dislike techno and dancey/beaty music.

(To Glenny-- I hate Pendulum. So much that I even pronounce their name wrong.)

As Rachel has recently brought to my attention-- I am conservative. Extremely so. I particularly like going off on tangents about how technology is ruining our world, and how one day robots will rebel against us. Like in the movie I, Robot (which I love).

I hate Apple. But I like the fruit. I like most fruits. Nectarines and peaches most of all.

I criticise people a lot without really knowing what I'm talking about. And I also do things I tell people not to do. Basically, I'm a huge hypocrite.

I'm going to run off now. (And if you care to find me, look to the western sky...)


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