Friday, August 6, 2010

jeans for genes.

well, getting up at 5:00am isn't exactly what i'm used to, but raising money for jeans for genes is nice. even if it is freezing cold and we have to stand/walk around in our SCHOOL UNIFORMS.

our morning pretty much went like this:
GLO: good morning!
PERSON: hi/good morning! how are you?
ME: i'm good, thanks, how are you?
PERSON: great, thank you. so, what've you got?
ME: uhh, the pens are $4, the keyrings are $10 and the badges are $5.
PERSON: i'll take a _______, please.
GLO: okay, (counts money), there's your change. (if there was change)
PERSON: thank you.
ME & GLO: thank you!
ME/GLO: have a good day!/have a nice day!

yeah, that's basically what we said all day. :)

it was freezing cold, but i guess it was kinda fun. also, we got freebies! we got a free bag, cap, poncho, chips and coupons for mcdonald's soft serve cones. other people also got free badges and some people didn't get anything. :O there were balloons too.

i love the bag. it's really nice, and of course, denim - jeans for genes. also, the hat was denim too.

i bought a keyring and pen. ;) the keyring is really pretty! hehehe.


rach xxx

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