Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Well i wasn't at school today as you should have noticed. My throat sorta died in the morning and it was really hard to talk but i had only realised that after i had gotten all dressed for school. I then started testing out my voice and i couldn't get it back to normal so i asked mum if i could stay home (i needed the rest anyways my nose was also playing up). I suppose she was a little reluctant but since dad was staying at home/working she said yes.

I then started feeling really tired so i went back to sleep still dressed in my school uniform coz i wasn't bothered to take it off(see how lazy i am). At around 10:30 i woke up again and i tested my voice and it was better but still pretty croaky. I was hungry since i didn't exactly have breakfast so i went downstairs and ate congee and leftover ham i found in the fridge (sounds kinda dodgy). Anyways, dad was watching Green Zone (the movie with Matt Damon in it) and i think it was pretty much over because there was a whole lot of things i didn't understand and a whole lot of guns killing people and bombs and violent stuff. Then it went all political and then the credits began so i was pretty confused.

I was still hungry so i drank cold water. Mum says that warm/ hot water is better for you but i was soooo lazy i didn't even bother to wait for the water to boil so i just drank cold water. Time went past pretty quickly and eventually my voice got better and then i could nearly speak properly but i still coughed a bit and i was tired a lot of the time even though i had slept a lot. Maybe it was because i overslept. I ate one of my auntie's homemade banana muffins and i ate another because the first was soo good. I heated it up so it was nice and warm and soft and sweet. yummy. I also ate a banana and a vitamin c tablet and i restricted myself from going into the pantry coz it was loaded with unhealthy snacks and i didn't want to get worse so yeah i pretty much banned myself from that area.

 Dad went up to do work stuff and so i started watching the circle and all the boring morning shows. Later i ate congee again for lunch, had some manuka honey (very good for the throat), drank some more water and had another banana muffin (they're irresistable). I watched Ellen and grayson chance was on and he was amazing. I love his voice. He sang on the show a song he produced himself called broken hearts and it was pretty good. I started getting bored so i did some chores like clearing the tables and sweeping the floor. I actually don't mind chores. They take things off my mind and make time fly.

After that i went upstairs and continued reading Tomorrow When The War Began by John Marsden for like an hour. Its actually an ok book. It wouldn't be the best but its worth reading. I still haven't finished though so yeah i will review it properly when i have. Mum and Josh came home after that and Josh ran to watch the afternoon kid shows why i was still in bed reading. Mum made some lemon honey for me to drink and yeah. Also during the day i looked outside and it was pouring with rain and i immediately felt bad for everyone at school who had to catch buses to the train station and all. haha. I think it was better for me to stay home than to go to school even though i had pretty much recovered because i probably would have gotten worse because of the cold wet weather.

The only downside to staying home rugged up in my pj's was that i will have to catch up and i hate being behind coz i struggle with extra work. oh well i should be up and running tomoz so i hope to see you all in red and i hope rach unexpectedly finds something red to wear. btw thanks for the lovely text Rach.

That concludes my boring day that probably did do me some good,
ps: i wanna hear what you guys got up to.

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