Sunday, July 25, 2010

Greetings. From Bloo.


So another post. From me. I refer to myself as 'Bloo'. Or 'Joworm', or something like that.

CONFESSION: I DO NOT KNOW WHAT GENDER I AM. Meaning that I'm gender-confused.

I live in Madagascar. Which is a little island off the African coast. :D I think it's the hardest place to get on Pandemic 2. Which is fun.
I like to eat. And drink. And eat more. And sleep. And read. You know the vibe.
I love my family. They mean everything to me ~ squiggle teehee. My friends however, mean nearly everything to me ~ squiggle teehee.
Then comes a personality defect. I can be the most idiotic and random person ever. (Well, that's just a slight exaggeration. But yeah. It's true.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE rock music. Technically, I'm a grunge/metal/heavy rock/hard rock/ sorta screamo fan. It's SO COOL HAPPY FACE.
I don't have too many likes. I seem to have more dislikes than likes.
And another confession - I like vegetables. :O
And Mr. Blue Cactus. He is like my confidante. :D
I'm off the market, if you wanted to know . I'm married, to the best husband anyone could be married to -- *insert love-heart.* Amy :D :D :D :D *love-heart.*

Dislikes ? Okay. I'll put this below. In dot-point-thingy.
- Twilight.
- Robert Pattinson. Because he defected to the dark side.
- MOST fruits.
- MOST meats.
- ALL types of fish.
- Weird techno-dancy thingy music.
- K-Pop and J-Pop.
- Smokers. UIAHDUIHAWUIDUIAWHUIRHUIHAWUIRHAUIWR. I know, I know. My dad's a smoker, ladidida. But I'm not that close to my dad. So yeah. Haha.

Random facts about myself?
I'm stupid, I suck, and that's pretty much all there is to it. I'm too plain for my own good.

Au revoir ~!

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