Tuesday, July 27, 2010

stranger danger.

So, you know, after school, I got off the train at Revesby. Obviously. And I began my walk home.

I was going up my street. There was this woman down the pavement walking in the opposite direction and towards me, and for a moment she looked like my mother. I thought she was my mother. I contemplated waving. Then I realised she wasn't my mother.

So we both kept walking. Then... we crossed paths.

"Hey, youwer from Seedanee Gers, yes?" (Translation: "Hey, you are from Sydney Girls, yes?")

She was Asian, and she had an extremely heavy accent. I could barely understand her. But I did. And I said, "yes..."

And then she's like all happy, and she says stuff about giving me a jacket. And, I agreed to go over to her place to get it. So I walked with her back up the way she came.

OK, I know. This is something called stupidity. Have I never heard of stranger danger? So while we were walking, I started contemplating escape tactics. So I sort of slowed down... fell behind... edged sideways...

And, um, it didn't really work out. I just went to her house. Which was, like, ten metres away from mine. She's like just across the street.

And she gave me A FREE BLAZER.

And a weird yellow shirt which is totally not part of our uniform.

But still. A BLAZER. FOR FREE.

The generosity of human kind! And I'm so glad I was the one who bumped into her while I was walking home. There's this other Sydney Girls kid on our street as well, and she missed out. Haha. Happiness :)

OK, this was a long-winded, boring, pointless post. But I'm just taken aback by how nice she was. You know, maybe we're not doomed to be destroyed by our own creations (robots). Maybe we'll live, and prosper, and be cool!

Just, you know, saying.


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