Saturday, July 31, 2010

binge shopping.

i have, yet again, fallen victim of bingeing. online shopping bingeing.

ugh. i have just spent the last two hours playing mario kart and tweeting, but most of all, i have been online shopping. i feel so guilty about shopping online for that long. i'm so stupid that i just forgot how to spell stupid. (but of course, this is the internet, and i can change what i wrote before). @_@

on my online-window-shopping-spree, i was looking at shoes. yes, new obsession. oh dear. not good. stupid rachel.

i need someone to cure me of binge-online-shopping. i'm going crazy.

though last night, i stayed up 'till 10:30/11:00 drawing. drawing does take my mind off things. you guys should try it if you realise you're getting obsessed with something.

unless it's a healthy obsession?

rach xxx,

(the craziest, most unhealthy-obsession-prone person you shall ever meet).

Kina Grannis

Found her out recently and found her amazing. Just one of her many awesome songs. She also did a cover of Paramore's the only exception which was sooo good.


Friday, July 30, 2010

the 40 hour famine.

this year, i'm planning to do the 40 hour famine again, except instead of only giving up food, i'm planning to give up other things.

here's the list:
  • food
  • furniture
  • games
  • internet
  • talking
yes. five at once. well, they're the five i plan to give up. though, i may get rid of one or two...

so when i get my booklet, i'll go around asking for sponsorships, so be ready to dig out some extra change! :)

rach xxx

Thursday, July 29, 2010


warning: read at your own risk...if you don't like a bit of gore don't read it. :|

oh. my. shizzle.

i had this awful dream last night. it scary.

there were vampires. big, scary vampires. horrible, bloodthirsty vampires.

and...i killed them.

but it was scary. seriously, they were big and bloodthirsty. they were chasing after me, and for some reason i was in the english part of the school. around E5 or something. anyways, it was really dark...night time or something. i was holding this thing. a bit like a lance/giant scalpel.

and with that giant scalpel thing, i slashed at those evil vampires! *victory music* but there were too many. >:( and they were trying to kill me. i remember i kept cutting them and i chopped off one of them's arm. haha.

also, being the clumsy person i am, when i was slashing at one, i also cut myself on the thigh. i could feel the pain! it was so weird. :/ and then i was bleeding...i killed the vampires by slashing their throats. how evil i am, but it was all in the name of survival!

i could feel the giant scalpel thing dragging through those guys. it was so scary. dreams feel so real. :S and then some sydney girls people were there. annie was there. she was helping me...but she disappeared halfway through my dream...i hope she wasn't killed. D:

and then all the people that the vampires "killed" turned into zombies. they moved like humans, except a bit robotically. you could tell if they were zombified.

when i sent someone off for more "weapons" for other people, i was trying to fight off the vampires. eventually, i took refuge in E5...except it was double the size...

and then i woke up. i remember all through my dream i was hoping i would wake up...hah.

so, it was a very very very very scary dream...c'est very very horrible and scary. (it was way longer than what i wrote, but those were the "highlights").

i think you've had enough.

rach xxx

Literal post

i have two new vids up on Glenny's World that i think you might enjoy. go take a look. i know you want to. actually i don't anyways have a good day. Well its technically not day anymore so just have a good whatever is left of the day. Hope you enjoy the vids comment if you like them. And rach and jo even though you hate twilight still watch for my sake and you can say all the bad things abt it afterwards.

See ya all,

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Well i wasn't at school today as you should have noticed. My throat sorta died in the morning and it was really hard to talk but i had only realised that after i had gotten all dressed for school. I then started testing out my voice and i couldn't get it back to normal so i asked mum if i could stay home (i needed the rest anyways my nose was also playing up). I suppose she was a little reluctant but since dad was staying at home/working she said yes.

I then started feeling really tired so i went back to sleep still dressed in my school uniform coz i wasn't bothered to take it off(see how lazy i am). At around 10:30 i woke up again and i tested my voice and it was better but still pretty croaky. I was hungry since i didn't exactly have breakfast so i went downstairs and ate congee and leftover ham i found in the fridge (sounds kinda dodgy). Anyways, dad was watching Green Zone (the movie with Matt Damon in it) and i think it was pretty much over because there was a whole lot of things i didn't understand and a whole lot of guns killing people and bombs and violent stuff. Then it went all political and then the credits began so i was pretty confused.

I was still hungry so i drank cold water. Mum says that warm/ hot water is better for you but i was soooo lazy i didn't even bother to wait for the water to boil so i just drank cold water. Time went past pretty quickly and eventually my voice got better and then i could nearly speak properly but i still coughed a bit and i was tired a lot of the time even though i had slept a lot. Maybe it was because i overslept. I ate one of my auntie's homemade banana muffins and i ate another because the first was soo good. I heated it up so it was nice and warm and soft and sweet. yummy. I also ate a banana and a vitamin c tablet and i restricted myself from going into the pantry coz it was loaded with unhealthy snacks and i didn't want to get worse so yeah i pretty much banned myself from that area.

 Dad went up to do work stuff and so i started watching the circle and all the boring morning shows. Later i ate congee again for lunch, had some manuka honey (very good for the throat), drank some more water and had another banana muffin (they're irresistable). I watched Ellen and grayson chance was on and he was amazing. I love his voice. He sang on the show a song he produced himself called broken hearts and it was pretty good. I started getting bored so i did some chores like clearing the tables and sweeping the floor. I actually don't mind chores. They take things off my mind and make time fly.

After that i went upstairs and continued reading Tomorrow When The War Began by John Marsden for like an hour. Its actually an ok book. It wouldn't be the best but its worth reading. I still haven't finished though so yeah i will review it properly when i have. Mum and Josh came home after that and Josh ran to watch the afternoon kid shows why i was still in bed reading. Mum made some lemon honey for me to drink and yeah. Also during the day i looked outside and it was pouring with rain and i immediately felt bad for everyone at school who had to catch buses to the train station and all. haha. I think it was better for me to stay home than to go to school even though i had pretty much recovered because i probably would have gotten worse because of the cold wet weather.

The only downside to staying home rugged up in my pj's was that i will have to catch up and i hate being behind coz i struggle with extra work. oh well i should be up and running tomoz so i hope to see you all in red and i hope rach unexpectedly finds something red to wear. btw thanks for the lovely text Rach.

That concludes my boring day that probably did do me some good,
ps: i wanna hear what you guys got up to.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

7pm Project

Callum has this weird nervous laugh. I was obsessed with him before. I was bored in history so i got out a blank piece of paper and started writing notes about him. Sort of like a mini profile. There is something in him that reminds me of myself. I think its the nervous reactions though i don't think i blink that intensily. He is sooo talented and inspiring. Don't you reckon the whole materchef finale was just a really happy occasion. I was happy for both of them especially when Callum got like a scholorship and everything. I was like crying of happiness and when they did a playback of when Callum broke down crying it was soooooo sad. Anyways, the 7pm people are funny as usual especially Charlie and I'm looking forward to the whole Junior MasterChef thing.


stranger danger.

So, you know, after school, I got off the train at Revesby. Obviously. And I began my walk home.

I was going up my street. There was this woman down the pavement walking in the opposite direction and towards me, and for a moment she looked like my mother. I thought she was my mother. I contemplated waving. Then I realised she wasn't my mother.

So we both kept walking. Then... we crossed paths.

"Hey, youwer from Seedanee Gers, yes?" (Translation: "Hey, you are from Sydney Girls, yes?")

She was Asian, and she had an extremely heavy accent. I could barely understand her. But I did. And I said, "yes..."

And then she's like all happy, and she says stuff about giving me a jacket. And, I agreed to go over to her place to get it. So I walked with her back up the way she came.

OK, I know. This is something called stupidity. Have I never heard of stranger danger? So while we were walking, I started contemplating escape tactics. So I sort of slowed down... fell behind... edged sideways...

And, um, it didn't really work out. I just went to her house. Which was, like, ten metres away from mine. She's like just across the street.

And she gave me A FREE BLAZER.

And a weird yellow shirt which is totally not part of our uniform.

But still. A BLAZER. FOR FREE.

The generosity of human kind! And I'm so glad I was the one who bumped into her while I was walking home. There's this other Sydney Girls kid on our street as well, and she missed out. Haha. Happiness :)

OK, this was a long-winded, boring, pointless post. But I'm just taken aback by how nice she was. You know, maybe we're not doomed to be destroyed by our own creations (robots). Maybe we'll live, and prosper, and be cool!

Just, you know, saying.


dire situation here.

okay, soooo. basically, the dire situation is...


well, for the civi day on thursday.

the theme is red.

this is bad.

real bad.

i have no red clothes. seriously. NOTHING. ZILCHHH.

and no one can help me.

not unless you have a suggestion?

(please help me. comment on this post if you can. D:)

don't forget, this is a dire situation.

rach xxx

Just venting..

.. I know, I know, bleh bleh bleh, they haven't done much to us.


okay. So going to school involves catching a train to and from school. On the way home (Rachel wouldn't TOTALLY know but yeah, I kinda told her 'cause I didn't know what 'fish' meant.) there's these dudes who get on the train yeah, and they slightly victimise us. Though I think they seem to have taken a liking to Annie, HAHAHHAHAA.

It's a mob of dewds. Who go to CBHS. Some of them are seniors and hog a laptop the whole time, then there's a random bunch of juniors - around years 8-9, I think. They both go to the same school. I think I said that already. Well, sometimes they seem to mutually team up, like this scene which I remember watching. But I can't remember what anyone said. And there's ALWAYS a midget. He's usually the main offender. And the group swears a lot. So sad.

Okay: Scene 1. When Cecilia and Glo were reading the newspapers, while Annie and I were cracking down on the crosswords. Note that all swear-words are censored.

Midget: Look at those ****ing girls with their ****ing mX's! ****ing *****es!
Friend: Haha. (Or something like that._
*gets off train.*

Joanne thinks: *OAWUIDYAIUWYEIUAWYIAEUWY(*&%@#(*&(#@IJAWiuIUyi923489273!*

And so on. I bet you, there was a time when that midget used the F-word ten times in a sentence.

Scene 2. When Annie was happily sipping on her last remnants of easyway. Actually, this one was pretty funny, but oh well. This is just for HUMILIATEION. I know I spelt it wrong, it was intentional. GASP.

Annie sips on her Easyway happily.
Midget: Can I take a sip?
Midget looks at Easyway.
Midget: Aww, it's finished anyway.

Glo: ..
Annie: ..
Joanne: ..

Scene 3. Just yesterday, when some dudes tried to show us something on their laptop, I believe, and when the dudes decided to call us fish. I think. Well they said stuff about 'two girls', and 'fish'. Here goes.

Midget: Two girls. ****ing fish!
Midget gets off train.
Cecilia: What the.
Me: I'm pretty sure he said 'two girls', instead of three.
Glo: Well, then he can't count.
Me: Or maybe they count like: 'One, three, two, etc.'

Previously, the senior guys were probably trying to show us something that they thought was cool. I THINK it was porn, I don't actually know, though. I heard moaning or whatever sounds coming from it, and considering their age, gender, and all that, I actually think that it's porn. I wouldn't know, though.

Okay, I'll go off and disappear.


Monday, July 26, 2010

Getting it out there.

I just want to totally throw everything that is running through my head into this post so i can get it all out into the open for further discussion.

Firstly must I say Annie is a crack up, Jo is hot and Rach always has a nice lunch. And if you then include me into this awesome trio (i'm so pathetic. i have nothing good to offer besides my distinctive likes for other ppl's dislikes) we make up the four sophisticated (ok maybe not annie) authors of this blog and might i say how ecstatic i am to finally have this up and running!!!!

Secondly i would like ask if you would prefer we have a playlist on the blog or not because if yes i bags making it. I also thank the person who got the cbox up so quickly. I'm assuming it's Jo coz she is the only one who would name it Bob the Box.

Thirdly, i don't know about you but i want this to be a public blog. If it's okay with you guys the url will be probably put in my msn pm so we at least get a few views. I hope we do. And if its public i suppose we have to write sensibly. Actually stuff that! Let's do whatever we want!I suppose the only thing i don't want happening if doing tumblr on blogger. Posts should be souly written from you guys and everything else should stay where it is. So yeah.

Fourthly, this is a great way of recapping how your day of school went if someone else didn't see you the whole day. Like when sometimes i don't see Rach all day because I'm stuck doing some english assignment in the comp room (actually i'm just listening to pedulum) and later on i want to know what she did, just post and i will be satified. Also you can like remind each other if something is happening the next day eg. a civi day or a holiday outing. Also if you are away of something and you wanna know what you missed as in school related stuff (as if i wanna know that, HAH!) So yeah.
Oh and also movie and book reviews would be great. Recommending and sharing cool stuff off the web through this site. 

Fifthly(i think i spelt it wrong), Maybe we should write in a specific font of coour of something to identify who it is we are reading from just to add a little bit of a touch or we could just stick to the initial name thing at the end of the post. It's up to you guys.

Something after fifth, we may have access to other ppl's accounts i'm not sure but i don't think anyone should touch anyone else's stuff like maybe even removing someone else's post. just getting that out.

And lastly, I would like to ask that since this group blog is up, should i quit my "world". I don't think i would like to coz i love it to bits but yeah two blog huh? i might not know which one to write on.

Anyways hope that wasn't too much( it probably was),
ps: i'm going to remove this later.
pps: why do i love callum so much?

berating bus drivers.

"Stupid bus driver."

"Damn you! Open the back door!"

"Aww, dammit! The stupid driver took the long route!"

"What?! Why did he turn this way?! Now I'm going to miss my train!"

"OK, you know what? I'm not thanking him."
(Recognise this, Glenny?)

This post will be dedicated to something that has been bugging me lately. The amount of criticism I hear for innocent bus drivers.

Do you know how sad they might be? How would you feel if people were damning you to the fiery pits of Heck?

They'll probably start crying when they drive away! And if this happens, the tears will blur their vision, and they might crash. I know we all love bus crashes and all, but come on. What if he dies, and the last thing someone said to him was, "damn you, open the back door already!"?

And even if they can't hear you, they know what you're saying. They know you're berating them. They can read body language. They can read facial expressions. They are not mindless, driving machines. They have feelings! They get sad!

There was this driver once, and he was Asian. He didn't open the back door. He took the long route. Everybody complained and screamed and swore. Glenny neglected to thank him. But he still remained smiling, while deep down inside... his tender little heart was breaking.

I raise my glass to him in a toast! Such a fine specimen of a driver! But anyway...

The moral of the story is: DON'T BERATE BUS DRIVERS.

If you don't understand what berate means (Glenny...), don't be a lazy snow egg! Go search it up in the dictionary. Go. Now.


Just don't berate bus drivers. Because, you know, if you're the bus driver and you get berated... you'd die inside as well. You might even feel spiteful enough to not open the back door on purpose. And if so, I fully understand. I would be sad too.


Good bye all.


.. Remember 'Friend Z' and all that?

Now, totally something off-topic.

Well today, SOME 'friends' of mine decided to say that my body was hot or something. Which was slightly creepy.

Actually, no. It was very creepy.





Okay, byebye.


Sunday, July 25, 2010

bradley james & colin morgan.

got this from glo's blog. i just decided to post it up here for the benefit of everyone. haha. awesome vid, bradley james is very sexy at 0:55. :)

totally love bradley james; i want to marry him. :)

rach xxx

Greetings. From Bloo.


So another post. From me. I refer to myself as 'Bloo'. Or 'Joworm', or something like that.

CONFESSION: I DO NOT KNOW WHAT GENDER I AM. Meaning that I'm gender-confused.

I live in Madagascar. Which is a little island off the African coast. :D I think it's the hardest place to get on Pandemic 2. Which is fun.
I like to eat. And drink. And eat more. And sleep. And read. You know the vibe.
I love my family. They mean everything to me ~ squiggle teehee. My friends however, mean nearly everything to me ~ squiggle teehee.
Then comes a personality defect. I can be the most idiotic and random person ever. (Well, that's just a slight exaggeration. But yeah. It's true.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE rock music. Technically, I'm a grunge/metal/heavy rock/hard rock/ sorta screamo fan. It's SO COOL HAPPY FACE.
I don't have too many likes. I seem to have more dislikes than likes.
And another confession - I like vegetables. :O
And Mr. Blue Cactus. He is like my confidante. :D
I'm off the market, if you wanted to know . I'm married, to the best husband anyone could be married to -- *insert love-heart.* Amy :D :D :D :D *love-heart.*

Dislikes ? Okay. I'll put this below. In dot-point-thingy.
- Twilight.
- Robert Pattinson. Because he defected to the dark side.
- MOST fruits.
- MOST meats.
- ALL types of fish.
- Weird techno-dancy thingy music.
- K-Pop and J-Pop.
- Smokers. UIAHDUIHAWUIDUIAWHUIRHUIHAWUIRHAUIWR. I know, I know. My dad's a smoker, ladidida. But I'm not that close to my dad. So yeah. Haha.

Random facts about myself?
I'm stupid, I suck, and that's pretty much all there is to it. I'm too plain for my own good.

Au revoir ~!

and now.

As I type this line, it is 12:47am.

I am Aza. Only no one actually calls me that. My real name I share with a self-titled movie starring a red-haired afro girl. I am Australian, and (according to my Blogger profile) one thousand nine hundred and sixteen years old.

I have a messed-up sleeping pattern in which I stay up at night and nap in the afternoon. This means my bones don't grow very well. I also like eating. Therefore, I am fat. Being both fat and short is not a good combination.

I like art, but I suck at it. I also like to write, but I'm not as good as I'd like to be. I like Harry Potter-- the character Snape especially. I mostly like non-mainstream bands. I like good, meaningful lyrics. I generally dislike techno and dancey/beaty music.

(To Glenny-- I hate Pendulum. So much that I even pronounce their name wrong.)

As Rachel has recently brought to my attention-- I am conservative. Extremely so. I particularly like going off on tangents about how technology is ruining our world, and how one day robots will rebel against us. Like in the movie I, Robot (which I love).

I hate Apple. But I like the fruit. I like most fruits. Nectarines and peaches most of all.

I criticise people a lot without really knowing what I'm talking about. And I also do things I tell people not to do. Basically, I'm a huge hypocrite.

I'm going to run off now. (And if you care to find me, look to the western sky...)


Saturday, July 24, 2010

a proper introduction.

reading glo's post, i've realised that i haven't really introduced myself properly.

so first of all, my name is Rachel; i'm also known as Rach & Rachie.

i'm 14; i'm from sydney, australia.

sydney is an awesome place to be, and i love it. ;)

i absolutely love retro fashion!!! i love to design clothes. i draw, read and occasionally write but usually i'm on my laptop or playing mario kart wii. :)

continuing on with what i love, next comes the socceroos, especially lucas neill & michael beauchamp, gerard piqué (from the spanish football team), merlin, bradley james, ncis, michael weatherly, ashes to ashes, harry potter, knee-high boots, dreaming, day-dreaming, cheesecake, chocolate, ice cream, the blond guy from my dream, sunsets, sunrises, beautiful beaches, water, curly hair, straight hair, rainbows, black and white, contradictions, aussie guys, british guys and laughing (especially if you just read all of that).

and what i's a long list, but i'll try anyway: twilight, robert pattinson, taylor lautner, kristen stewart, stephanie meyer, k-pop, j-pop, roberto rosetti, k-pop singers, j-pop singers, fobs, asians with bleached hair, bitches, sluts, idiots, incorrect grammar, bogans, rednecks, posh people, expensive restaurants, rich people who don't deserve it, mean people, people who think they're cool, miley cyrus, pumpkins, spoilt brats, carrots, mushrooms, know-it-alls (especially when it comes to politics), overrated things, facebook, bandwagon-people, wannabes (wannabe gangsters), cheese, mainstream music, auto tune, digitalised music, text-speak, repetitive music, people who think they're popular and some other crap i can't think of because right now, i'm playing mario kart.

wow, what a long list. haha. i seem to have a lot of time on my hands...

well, i guess now you know more about me. :)

rach xxx


Thanks Rach for getting us started on this groupie blog. Hello. I'm Glenny aka Glo-worm or Glo.

I love blogging, oz tag, techno music (GO PEDULUM!!!), mr blue cactus, my camera, chocolate, my english subs, the morning chill, justin bieber (rach is gonna kill me), Colin Morgan (even though i have only seen a couple eps of merlin), potato and gravy, knee high boots, MasterChef (GO CALLUM!!), Tom Felton coz he is just ridiculously hot, creativity, Viv (my best friend/ cousin), Aaron (viv's adorable younger brother), rice, How I Met Your Mother, bus crashes, having awesome dreams, easy way, AVPM/S, Jap food, sunset skies, long hair, Chuck Bass because he is... Chuck Bass, ice-cream and my curling iron.

I hate yam even though it is high in vitamin c, swimming as in lessons, crowded trains, speeches, boredom, textiles, leg cramps (they kill), bus lines, spiders, my phone, hot chocolate and marshmellows together (yeah you heard right), having awesome dreams and then forgetting them instantly, uncontrollable obssessions and my computer stuffing up.

Another thing I love is... you ( hope that didn't sound too cheesy).
Have a great weekend everyone.

just for starters.

hey peoples.

so we just had this idea that we should create a blog with all of us as here it is, even if it is late.

i just thought i'd start us off.

SOOO. i just got my internet back yesterday and i am enjoying sitting on the cold floor all day, catching up on all the things i've missed.

today, i spent about almost an hour looking at pictures of lucas neill, michael beauchamp and gerard piqué. ♥ i'm a freak, i know.

anyways, this is the end of the first post ever on this blog i call blog because i haven't discussed a name with anyone yet. :)

rach xxx

p.s i shall leave you with this.