Monday, August 16, 2010


A little down now because there are so many freaking good artists on Hitrecord and I suck compared to them. Oh how I dream to have such talent in anything. Summer in the City is starting and I can't wait to see it on hitrecord. The tiny stories collaboration has also had its frist remix and it look amazing. Wish i was in it but no i didn't bother. Serves me right. Anyways, rice rally is also coming up and i'm soooooooo excited. Fever was apparantly better than last year and judging by the rides i'm pretty sure it was. Omgsh It's gonna be AWESOME!! Hopefully i won't cry this year. Awww. i have a combined maths topic test on wednesday and i need jo to tell me about parabolas. Haven't even started my art assignment but i still have about a week so i should be fine as long as i don't procrastinate too much. OMG! well look at the time. Why am i writing at 11:38 pm. I think mum is asleep so she won't kill me. Dammit. Camera died again. That crazy machine is a battery eater. I litterally put in two new batteries and like 4 hours later it dies. AARRGHHH!!


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