Sunday, August 22, 2010

40hr famine.

so, this morning i finished my 40hr famine at 5:20am. well, the food + internet part.

you see, on saturday morning, i accidentally sat on a chair. i know; asdfghjkl. i was so annoyed. so i added an extra 2 hours for sitting on the chair. :) therefore, i finished my furniture famine thing at 7:20am.

i was so hungry yesterday. i think it was because of my sisters eating all this food in front of my face.

the thing that tortured me the most was the ICE CREAM.

they just had to eat ice cream in front of me, all the while sitting on chairs.

and also the night before that, on friday, i was watching the jamie oliver thing. gack. so much food. it was so unfair. of all the days.

but when i woke up this morning, i wasn't hungry at all. i just ate breakfast for the sake of eating breakfast. hah.

i'm going to make some scones later. and eat some ice cream too. :)

plus, my sister is going to sponsor me and so is my mum. MWAHAHAHA. :)

now, onto a completely different topic, it's a hung parliament. grr. if only labor had gotten more seats! >:(

i was watching the election coverage last night. it was so close between the two parties! >:( damn liberals.

rach xxx

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