Sunday, August 8, 2010

between life and death.

Death: We meet again.

Me: Seriously, you're still stalking me after I'm already dead?

Death: This time, I've brought my worst enemy. Life.

Life: hi.

Me: ... hi.

Life: I've come to bring you back from death.

Me: Seriously? Thanks!

Death: That makes me feel so wanted.

Life: All you have to make three choices. So far, you've finalised only one. French.

Me: And I'm tussling over Chinese, Multimedia and even History has joined the fray! I know, I'm pathetic.

Death: I second that.

Life: Your parents and brain say Chinese. Your heart says Multimedia and History. This means that Chinese is a definite, does it not?

Me: I... guess...

Life: You cannot guess! You must be certain! Completely and totally certain! Is Chinese a given or not?

Me: I-- I don't know! I don't know! I don't know what I want...

Life: Then you cannot come back. You will stay in limbo until you make a decision.

Death: Haha.

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