Tuesday, August 17, 2010

pissed like shit.

NOTE: PROFANITIES USED. (i'm going to make them white so that if you want to read profanities, you can highlight it.)

okay, so as you can tell from the title, i'm pissed. REALLY pissed.

bigpond is the shittiest internet ever. fuckfaced bigpond. if bigpond was a guy, i'd punch him in the face, knee him in the bloody balls and cut his head off.

you're probably wondering WHY i'm so pissed.

the reason is bigpond of course.

bloody dickheaded bigpond isn't even fucking WORKING. I CAN'T EVEN DO MY FUCKING ART ASSIGNMENT.

that's why i'm typing up my post in a notepad and saving it, so that bigpond works (if ever), i can put it up.

listening to some nice simple plan though. it's kinda calming me down. well, me against the world was just fueling my anger. :| but then save you calmed me. kinda. slightly. barely.



i can't do my asia wise either. FUCKING BIGPOND.


i have to check my emails and i've been trying to load the bloody page for about an hour now. I'M NOT EVEN CAPPED. I STILL HAVE EIGHT FUCKING GIGABYTES YOU BASTARDS.

plus, bigpond are bloody hogs. they won't let any other internet companies into the bloody area. FUCKING TELSTRA. TELSTRA IS SHIT. COCKFACES.


i'm calming down.


deep breaths.

okay! i need some skittles and a big tub of sour-flavoured ice cream.

i'm slightly happier since bigpond decided that he didn't want his balls cut off and decided to get the internet back up and running.

well, now it's slow again.

ack. i'm going to give up and since i have no sour-flavoured ice cream, i'm going to go and eat mint ice cream and do no homework at all for today.

farewell, and bigpond, you'd better prepare youself 'cos i'm coming to cut your balls off. yes, not just your head. you'd better be afraid. be very afraid.

rach xxx

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