Sunday, August 15, 2010


And since I'm bored, and not yet sleepy, I shall put up another random video.

NOTE! I will not do things like this later on in life. Making videos is not my forte-- I just thought that this incident was so earth-shattering I had to record it on camera. Seriously, it's cool. But anyway-- making videos is like... more Glenny's cup of tea. I am strictly a Photoshop fan.

Excuse me for a second.. I'm having an 'I-MISS-MULTIMEDIA' moment.

Here it is! It was really fun to do. It took AGES for me to light the match properly-- since there was all this wind and the fire kept going out. That's my mother's arm you're seeing there. And if you hear some random dialogue, it's just me and her having random conversations.

And I was saying random words like 'ash' and 'gone' and stuff for, like, dramatic effect, but I don't think the sound was captured very well. I wanted to sound all mystical and everything. Haha. Didn't work out as planned, of course.

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