Saturday, August 7, 2010

Suits are sexy and so is JGL

Don't know why but i'm in an obsessive state again. It's a double turn for Joseph Gordon Levitt. What is it with that guy? He looks soooo awesome in a suit. More awesome than Barney in a suit which is awesome to the extreme. I think it was Inception that struck the chord. Man was that movie amazing. Everybody in that movie was exceptional especially Cillian Murphy and of course JGL. Anyways, the first time i obsessed about Joseph was hmmm, wasn't that long ago actually. It was after watching 500 days of Summer but seriously who wouldn't obsess after that movie? anyone? anyone? i suppose its just me then.

He looks great with his hair slicked back just noticed that. So damn smart looking. Sophisticated's the word. I been researching heaps about him even though i already know heaps. Found his tumblr page and have been on it for hours and found this pro website thingo that he started called hitRECord where people come together and throw in their ideas and skills to make all sorts of stuff like short films, music pieces, art animations and creative clips. It's a pretty interesting site.

I have also been watching JGL interviews and I loved the comment he made on 500 days where he said he loved how the film was honest. I completely agree with him. You could totally see the honesty within the film. It isn't just another romantic comedy movie, its more than that. Speaking of 500 days, saw the Kmart catalogue lying on the kitchen bench top when I got home on Thursday and like i always do i sit down on the couch and circle all the things I "omg omg i have to have that". It was another one of those dvd sales and in the past i don't usually go to those but i saw 500 days in the catalogue and couldn't resist so off i went to another thursday late night shopping err.. night. When i got there I also bought gossip girl season two along with 500 days but i not going to talk about that... much because i know i might have to cop a bit of crap for buying it but like i said couldn't resist. Um yeah i think the last thing i should add is that if you haven't already seen inception "YOU FREAKING HAVE TO!"

ps: i'm going to try to get some vids and photos up of our musicale city outing as soon as possible so look out for them.

Oh and just thought i'd add this as well. I thought it was pretty cool.

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