Tuesday, August 31, 2010

une mort certaine.

Translation: certain death.

I'm not even sure if that makes sense, 'cause I used Google translate for it and I have come to realise that half the time, it's not reliable. But, you know, just saying. I'm certainly dead.


Because somehow, despite my proclaimed love and adoration for the subject Français, I have somehow managed to misplace mes cahiers et mon livre.

As in, all my French books.

What to do, what to do!? It means I'll get a bad homework mark, a bad book mark and... I don't know. Maybe I'll never find them again. Maybe my life is over. Maybe I should drop Français and pick up... I don't know... Latin?

Oh, how I wish.

Anyway. I'm kidding. I love French. But, you know, with my books gone and my sanity being questioned, my love is... not as certain as it once was. But still! French will be my 'forever' forever.

I can picture me and my darling Français lounging on the beach in the Sunlands, throwing white roses into the water and commemorating the girl Little Fearless who sacrificed everything to safe the one thousand girls trapped in the prison masquerading as a school. Oh, my. Fearless holds such deep messages. It always sort of kicks my heart.

But to Gloriana's delight, I have begun to read The Hunger Games. I sort of fell asleep-- not because the book was boring, but just because I was tired-- so I didn't manage to get too far into it. Only on page thirty-eight.

But still, so far so good. I thought it would be boring 'cause that's what everybody said about the beginning, but I quite enjoyed it. The writing style actually reminds me a lot of this other author, Cathy Cassidy. Except their books are about completely different topics-- one is set in a Dystopian universe, while the other just deals with the issues of teenage girls with broken families, oppressive best friends, who fall in love at age thirteen, etc.

But the style is pretty similar. Which is not a bad thing. It's just... something I noticed.

Well, yeah. I hope Ms Miller doesn't destroy me tomorrow. I hope I find my French books by eight fifteen. I hope we get our maths tests back, and I wish I made a bet with somebody so I can feel better about my inevitably horrible mark.

Good bye now.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

40hr famine.

so, this morning i finished my 40hr famine at 5:20am. well, the food + internet part.

you see, on saturday morning, i accidentally sat on a chair. i know; asdfghjkl. i was so annoyed. so i added an extra 2 hours for sitting on the chair. :) therefore, i finished my furniture famine thing at 7:20am.

i was so hungry yesterday. i think it was because of my sisters eating all this food in front of my face.

the thing that tortured me the most was the ICE CREAM.

they just had to eat ice cream in front of me, all the while sitting on chairs.

and also the night before that, on friday, i was watching the jamie oliver thing. gack. so much food. it was so unfair. of all the days.

but when i woke up this morning, i wasn't hungry at all. i just ate breakfast for the sake of eating breakfast. hah.

i'm going to make some scones later. and eat some ice cream too. :)

plus, my sister is going to sponsor me and so is my mum. MWAHAHAHA. :)

now, onto a completely different topic, it's a hung parliament. grr. if only labor had gotten more seats! >:(

i was watching the election coverage last night. it was so close between the two parties! >:( damn liberals.

rach xxx

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

pissed like shit.

NOTE: PROFANITIES USED. (i'm going to make them white so that if you want to read profanities, you can highlight it.)

okay, so as you can tell from the title, i'm pissed. REALLY pissed.

bigpond is the shittiest internet ever. fuckfaced bigpond. if bigpond was a guy, i'd punch him in the face, knee him in the bloody balls and cut his head off.

you're probably wondering WHY i'm so pissed.

the reason is bigpond of course.

bloody dickheaded bigpond isn't even fucking WORKING. I CAN'T EVEN DO MY FUCKING ART ASSIGNMENT.

that's why i'm typing up my post in a notepad and saving it, so that bigpond works (if ever), i can put it up.

listening to some nice simple plan though. it's kinda calming me down. well, me against the world was just fueling my anger. :| but then save you calmed me. kinda. slightly. barely.



i can't do my asia wise either. FUCKING BIGPOND.


i have to check my emails and i've been trying to load the bloody page for about an hour now. I'M NOT EVEN CAPPED. I STILL HAVE EIGHT FUCKING GIGABYTES YOU BASTARDS.

plus, bigpond are bloody hogs. they won't let any other internet companies into the bloody area. FUCKING TELSTRA. TELSTRA IS SHIT. COCKFACES.


i'm calming down.


deep breaths.

okay! i need some skittles and a big tub of sour-flavoured ice cream.

i'm slightly happier since bigpond decided that he didn't want his balls cut off and decided to get the internet back up and running.

well, now it's slow again.

ack. i'm going to give up and since i have no sour-flavoured ice cream, i'm going to go and eat mint ice cream and do no homework at all for today.

farewell, and bigpond, you'd better prepare youself 'cos i'm coming to cut your balls off. yes, not just your head. you'd better be afraid. be very afraid.

rach xxx

Monday, August 16, 2010


A little down now because there are so many freaking good artists on Hitrecord and I suck compared to them. Oh how I dream to have such talent in anything. Summer in the City is starting and I can't wait to see it on hitrecord. The tiny stories collaboration has also had its frist remix and it look amazing. Wish i was in it but no i didn't bother. Serves me right. Anyways, rice rally is also coming up and i'm soooooooo excited. Fever was apparantly better than last year and judging by the rides i'm pretty sure it was. Omgsh It's gonna be AWESOME!! Hopefully i won't cry this year. Awww. i have a combined maths topic test on wednesday and i need jo to tell me about parabolas. Haven't even started my art assignment but i still have about a week so i should be fine as long as i don't procrastinate too much. OMG! well look at the time. Why am i writing at 11:38 pm. I think mum is asleep so she won't kill me. Dammit. Camera died again. That crazy machine is a battery eater. I litterally put in two new batteries and like 4 hours later it dies. AARRGHHH!!


Sunday, August 15, 2010


And since I'm bored, and not yet sleepy, I shall put up another random video.

NOTE! I will not do things like this later on in life. Making videos is not my forte-- I just thought that this incident was so earth-shattering I had to record it on camera. Seriously, it's cool. But anyway-- making videos is like... more Glenny's cup of tea. I am strictly a Photoshop fan.

Excuse me for a second.. I'm having an 'I-MISS-MULTIMEDIA' moment.

Here it is! It was really fun to do. It took AGES for me to light the match properly-- since there was all this wind and the fire kept going out. That's my mother's arm you're seeing there. And if you hear some random dialogue, it's just me and her having random conversations.

And I was saying random words like 'ash' and 'gone' and stuff for, like, dramatic effect, but I don't think the sound was captured very well. I wanted to sound all mystical and everything. Haha. Didn't work out as planned, of course.

Elvire yawns!

So, all! I have several new obsessions! And since I haven't posted in a while, I thought I'd just write a little about them. Yeah.

1. The Phantom of the Opera. Must. Watch. The coolest musical EVER, in my opinion.
2. Cats (as in the musical). Also must watch.
3. My delightful little cousin, Elvire. She will be three months old on Thursday! What a dear.

And I'm going to just quickly put up this video of her. It's only three seconds long.

My mother happens to be speaking Cantonese in the background. She's saying something along the lines of 'why did she put vegetable oil in it?'

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Forty-hour famine.

Mum says no to food since she thinks that I'm too skinny and should eat more.
Secondly, I found giving up my thumbs a good idea. I'm not the only one doing it.

So I'll be giving up


And my thumbs. :)


I've had this photo sitting in my computer for ages and I don't know if it's good for uploading onto DeviantArt or not. This only took a few minutes. D: I photoshopped it and used heaps of functions - it's pretty much like an experiment.

Anyway, go criticise ahead. I know it isn't good, but it was a rush job and all . :D


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First ever edited vid

I know it's bad but i tried my best. Remember this was my first attempt and it was bassically me trying to try out the options of editing. Hope it's ok and watch out for eileen at the end.


Sunday, August 8, 2010

between life and death.

Death: We meet again.

Me: Seriously, you're still stalking me after I'm already dead?

Death: This time, I've brought my worst enemy. Life.

Life: hi.

Me: ... hi.

Life: I've come to bring you back from death.

Me: Seriously? Thanks!

Death: That makes me feel so wanted.

Life: All you have to make three choices. So far, you've finalised only one. French.

Me: And I'm tussling over Chinese, Multimedia and even History has joined the fray! I know, I'm pathetic.

Death: I second that.

Life: Your parents and brain say Chinese. Your heart says Multimedia and History. This means that Chinese is a definite, does it not?

Me: I... guess...

Life: You cannot guess! You must be certain! Completely and totally certain! Is Chinese a given or not?

Me: I-- I don't know! I don't know! I don't know what I want...

Life: Then you cannot come back. You will stay in limbo until you make a decision.

Death: Haha.

Death and I have a conversation.

*feels tap on shoulder, turns around to look into the burning eyes of DEATH*

Death: hi.

Me: hi.

Death: I have come to take you away to the realm of lost souls.

Me: ok.

Death: You will face judgment before the high order, and they will decide your fate. You will descend or ascend, or simply remain suspended in limbo, condemned to dwell in the void for all existence.

Me: ok.

Death: Would you like to put up a struggle, and leave this universe with a bang, or do you prefer a quiet exit? Do you want fireworks and explosions, or would you rather take the quieter route, in which you simply deflate like an old car tyre?

Me: I'm an indecisive person. I don't know. I can't decide anything. I can't even decide what ELECTIVES to pick, for the sake of goodness! Chinese or Multimedia... Chinese or Multimedia... that's what it keeps coming back to! I step on the scales, and rather than seeing 12435365467kg, I see 'CHINESE OR MULTIMEDIA???' staring back at me! I don't know what I want! Help me!

Death: You digress.

Me: I do.

Death: So... going with a bang or going quietly?

Me: You pick. You pick! You pick for me! I simply cannot decide!

Death: Would you like me to throw some dice?

Me: No, no, just pick. No chance, no logic, no nothing. Just... pick. Randomity. Yes, that's what I want. A random act of fate.

Death: I've met Fate. He prefers to be known as Kismet. A much more glamorous title, don't you think?

Me: I don't care. Just pick.

Death: *holds out his hands* Pick a hand.

Me: You idiot, that's chance! I said I just wanted randomity!

Death: Chance... randomity... it's all the same, really. You've got to dig a little deeper... find out who you are!

Me: What? What? Did my ears deceive me? Did you just sing... a song from The Princess and the Frog? Did you just sing... a DISNEY SONG?

Death: ... so what if I did?

Me: Well, excuse me for being shocked! You're Death, you know? All psycho and everything. You go and take people to 'the realm of lost souls' and all that. Everybody is a potential victim for you. All humanity fears your power! You're so proficient they don't even see you coming!

Death: Well, of course not. I have an invisibility cloak, remember?

Me: So you can sneak up on people. Sometimes you get bored of running at them, flapping your arms and shrieking...

Death: OK, time's up. I'm going to shoot you with an AK-47 before disapparating, and your death can be a mystery to the future generations. You're going out with a bang, whether you like it or not. Oh, and you're doing Multimedia.

Me: I am?! What?! No way!

*gets shot in the chest, falls down, splutters for a couple of seconds, coughs up a little blood, sneezes twice, shuts eyes, crosses arms over heart, bleeds, and dies with my future still undecided*

To the others who asked myself and Annie to post.


But I have nothing to post about.

Right now, I'm doing my maths homework, and listening to 'Just Like You' by Three Days Grace.

If you want to listen to it, I'm pretty sure it's somewhere on my profile.

I've also been reading Guantanamo Boy. It's really good. Drool.

Anyway, no one wants to read my lame rants or whatever. I'll see you guys tomorrow, oui ?

Maybe I'll go watch a movie.. Whale Rider, anyone? ;D Nah, I'll probably go chill out with 'The Sixth Sense'. It seems pretty cool.

Suis-je triste? Suis-je contente? Ou puis-je pas avoir des emotions?

Au revoir ;


By the way - I'll sign off with that quote every time as for you to know that it's me. Even though we all have select colours and all. Besides, I like that quote. My grandfather taught me it. He's wonderful at times, but he can be rather sexist.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Mostly Musicale Day Photos

Moustache woman (xin)
quarter of xin's face, me, amy and rach
the three moustache women (i taught them one of nikki's poses haha)
Vampire Xin and her victim Amy (might i say wearing Rach's fab shoes)
Suprise camera attack in C2, poor angie

galaxy world, anabelle and eileen



taylor swift's new single, mine, was to be released on august 16th, but due to an internet leak, it was released on august 4th, ahead of the planned date.

so, it's on taylor's new album, speak now, and i've just been given it by my younger sister who likes taylor swift. she has all of her albums/eps except for the christmas one.

it's kinda catchy. :)

the video clip will be released sometime soon.

speak now will be released on october 25th. i want to see the album cover! :)

you guys should have a listen to it if possible.

rach xxx

You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
You are the best thing that's ever been mine.

Suits are sexy and so is JGL

Don't know why but i'm in an obsessive state again. It's a double turn for Joseph Gordon Levitt. What is it with that guy? He looks soooo awesome in a suit. More awesome than Barney in a suit which is awesome to the extreme. I think it was Inception that struck the chord. Man was that movie amazing. Everybody in that movie was exceptional especially Cillian Murphy and of course JGL. Anyways, the first time i obsessed about Joseph was hmmm, wasn't that long ago actually. It was after watching 500 days of Summer but seriously who wouldn't obsess after that movie? anyone? anyone? i suppose its just me then.

He looks great with his hair slicked back just noticed that. So damn smart looking. Sophisticated's the word. I been researching heaps about him even though i already know heaps. Found his tumblr page and have been on it for hours and found this pro website thingo that he started called hitRECord where people come together and throw in their ideas and skills to make all sorts of stuff like short films, music pieces, art animations and creative clips. It's a pretty interesting site.

I have also been watching JGL interviews and I loved the comment he made on 500 days where he said he loved how the film was honest. I completely agree with him. You could totally see the honesty within the film. It isn't just another romantic comedy movie, its more than that. Speaking of 500 days, saw the Kmart catalogue lying on the kitchen bench top when I got home on Thursday and like i always do i sit down on the couch and circle all the things I "omg omg i have to have that". It was another one of those dvd sales and in the past i don't usually go to those but i saw 500 days in the catalogue and couldn't resist so off i went to another thursday late night shopping err.. night. When i got there I also bought gossip girl season two along with 500 days but i not going to talk about that... much because i know i might have to cop a bit of crap for buying it but like i said couldn't resist. Um yeah i think the last thing i should add is that if you haven't already seen inception "YOU FREAKING HAVE TO!"

ps: i'm going to try to get some vids and photos up of our musicale city outing as soon as possible so look out for them.

Oh and just thought i'd add this as well. I thought it was pretty cool.

Friday, August 6, 2010

jeans for genes.

well, getting up at 5:00am isn't exactly what i'm used to, but raising money for jeans for genes is nice. even if it is freezing cold and we have to stand/walk around in our SCHOOL UNIFORMS.

our morning pretty much went like this:
GLO: good morning!
PERSON: hi/good morning! how are you?
ME: i'm good, thanks, how are you?
PERSON: great, thank you. so, what've you got?
ME: uhh, the pens are $4, the keyrings are $10 and the badges are $5.
PERSON: i'll take a _______, please.
GLO: okay, (counts money), there's your change. (if there was change)
PERSON: thank you.
ME & GLO: thank you!
ME/GLO: have a good day!/have a nice day!

yeah, that's basically what we said all day. :)

it was freezing cold, but i guess it was kinda fun. also, we got freebies! we got a free bag, cap, poncho, chips and coupons for mcdonald's soft serve cones. other people also got free badges and some people didn't get anything. :O there were balloons too.

i love the bag. it's really nice, and of course, denim - jeans for genes. also, the hat was denim too.

i bought a keyring and pen. ;) the keyring is really pretty! hehehe.


rach xxx