Sunday, October 24, 2010

You know, this is the 63rd post -- the same amount of posts that I have on my other blog. Amazingly.

And so, I shall postz0rz!

Yup, tomorrow will be DOOMSDAY. Ooh ! :D

And yes, this is the event we dread the most.

It is.. *drumroll..*


I had to take drastic measures for this year's yearlies.

I closed down my Facebook account, but then I reactivated it knowing that it would be not very effective and handed my password to Michelle so she could do whatever she wanted and she could keep me off.

Even though my Mum was kinda iffy about that since she wants to contact her sister in Vietnam or America or Australia or I DON'T KNOW MY MUM HAS TOO MANY SISTERS. D:

But yeah, I'm facebookless. Until the end of yearlies, when mum decides to go mad and demand me for the password and then she'll be shocked when I say I don't have it hehe.

But anyway, I'm such a massive procrastinator! I was watching MOVIES yesterday. Though, however, I was watching it for a good cause. I was watching Donnie Darko to redo my music analysis.

It's one of the movies on I MUST WATCH THIS MOVIE BEFORE I DIE list or something along the lines of that.

Yeah. And it was pretty good. Actually, it was BRILLIANT.

I don't know if you guys are iffy on psychological thrillers, though. But I reckon Inception was a psychological thriller. I don't know, I'm pretty bad at categorising.

Anyway, it is so so so good. And there's Jake Gyllenhaal. I think Glo, Annie and I made fun of his last name once and had a parody character called 'Jake Sluttenwhore'? I think. Something along those lines.

He looks pretty cute in this movie. Then again, he was still quite very youthful.

Actually, he was twenty.

Anyway, he's actually a pretty good actor.

I want to watch Brokeback Mountain.

I don't think my parents will let though.

They were pretty iffy about Donnie Darko. And that's only M. And whenever my friends (yes, meaning you guys down below) and I go to the cinemas, we always end up watching some M movie, apart from the exception of Toy Story 3.

I'm obsessed with Donnie Darko, man ! This isn't cool .

Anyway, I have been persuaded into writing my email beforehand, which wasn't very useful since I finished and edited it in like ten minutes.


Anyway, I reckon I should stop swooning and start studying.

And guys, how do you study for English ?! No, Annie, I don't think memorising my essay will do, since I only got 17 for it. :(

Wow mango! I'm writing longer and longer posts by the day! Remember that post from like ages ago and it was like:

TITLE: (some word)
POST: I'm stupid. Bye. (or something like that.)


Yeah, that was pretty short.

This is UBER (pardon my use of the word uber for now) long. Compared to that. Above.

Anyway, what was I talking about? Doomsday, that's right.

Yay, light bags for a week.

NOOO, exams.


Anyway, I recdkon I should go back and study or something.


L'intention fait le crime, pas la chance.

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