Sunday, October 31, 2010

happy hallowe'en!

it's hallowe'en today.

i'm not entirely sure how i feel about this though...i just hope there's only a few kids coming 'round for trick-or-treat-ing, so that i get the rest of the lollies.

so far today, i've done some sit-ups, taken a few photos of the sky...and one other thing.

i cut my nails.

it's kinda disappointing. it's kinda hard to type, but meh. my fingers look fat, short and stubby. i'm realised just how ugly my nails are...:( it's not good.

oh yes. i remember, i also did about 10 sudoku puzzles, or more, while listening to taylor swift's new album, Speak Now.

i've burnt her songs onto a disc and have been listening to her new songs all day long...

listen to this song (it's sparks fly, and it's really good. maybe not so much to jo, but yeah!)

yay. c'mon guys. listen! that's right. press the play button!

rach xxx

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