Saturday, October 2, 2010

'salutations!' from mother nature.

Someone tell me what's wrong with me.

As I type this sentence, it's 5:23am. I haven't slept at all. I have no idea why I'm doing what I'm doing. At all. But this is seriously fun. Sadly, I think I have a dentist appointment sometime later today. Which is so weird, 'cause it just feels like a few hours ago when I was at my piano teacher's place and she drew a picture of me with a round face and weird freak-o dimples.

She said 'dude, stop sleeping so much and start playing piano more'. And I was like, 'what? How did she know I'd slept until two?' And then she sort of gave this knowing smile and says 'it's 'cause your face is round!'

And that somehow indicates that I've been sleeping a lot.

But now I haven't!

Gah, the birds are so loud. And there are so many, and they keep flying off to their buddies in neighbouring trees. And the sky is, like... overcast or something. It looks rainy. But that may be because it's still pretty early.

And the sun is supposed to rise in like... three minutes, according to Sunrise and Sunset for Australia, and... right now, I can't see it. But it's light.
And... wow. I feel so excited even though there is nothing remotely exciting happening right now.

I know in a few hours time, I will be going 'should have slept... should have slept...' but right now, I shall bask in the glory of having woken at (or rather, stayed awake until) five! Or so!

And now my laptop clock says it's 5:31am, so the sun should be rising, but it isn't necessarily doing so, or maybe that clock is wrong, or maybe that website is wrong... but whatever.

I think there are ants on my back.

Ants are the worst creatures on the earth. But I'm just going to scratch without looking, and hope there are no creepy little critters crawling all over my skin...

And I think my neighbour may be spying on me.

AND A WHOLE FLOCK OF WEIRD BIRDS JUST ZOOMED PAST MY BRAIN. And now there's another one belting out some sort of mating call. And there's a gnat in the air.

Oh my gosh, now I feel really unhygienic.

Argh! That bird looks... suspicious. Very dodgy. It's the one with the mating call, but another one has started calling back to it. Cue some sort of romantic behaviour going on in the bushes over there.

OK, maybe I should go inside now. And sleep.

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