Friday, October 22, 2010

strike and inspire.


this blog hasn't been written on for, oh, twelve days or so???


not really.

i guess we're all kind of busy...

but i have something to say.

well, something recently hit me.

no, it wasn't nikki.

it was an idea...a stroke of inspiration, if you will.

i've decided to start writing again. great, huh?

no. well, it's a slightly positive thing, i guess.

i know that i shall never reach annie's standard, but at least know that i've tried. or acknowledged it...

lately i've just been hearing little snippets of wording flowing through my head, though they weren't necessarily all happy little stories...

i've also been thinking of song lyrics too, but i know i'll never be a songwriter.

so, this is the end. i make my posts deceptively long, don't i? but they always turn out to be about a paragraph or two, with lots of spaces in between.

so i just thought i'd get that out of the way; out of my long-nailed, slightly creative, logical yet sometimes illogical system.

this post was just to inform everyone, which i might not have done nearly as well as if i had posted this on my other blog.

i think that last sentence made sense. i can't tell anymore...

rach xxx

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