Friday, December 31, 2010

long live.

like in taylor swift's long live,

"it was the end of a decade, but the start of an age"

yes, it is the end of the noughties. what do we call this new decade?

i'm not entirely sure.

(and i'm not entirely sure if the age we're starting is a good one)

oh well...

this is the last post of 2010, so i'd just like to say that 2010 was totally awesome, and i'll miss it.

goodbye & hello.

out with the old and in with the new! (:

rach xxx

end of the year.

wow. can you guys believe it?

it's the last day of the year, which will officially (in Australia) be ending in half an hour...

end of 2010...start of 2011.

new year.

blegh. i have nothing to say, really.


well, it turns out that i didn't just sit around all day, as expected. at 5, my cousin came over and my parents said we were going to go for a walk on the beach [at brighton-le-sands], so i wore a t-shirt and a skirt.

as it turns out, we actually stayed for the 9 o'clock family fireworks. it seems that the brighton-le-sands fireworks were better than the harbour's. but of course, the harbour has the best midnight ones. (:

so we got back home, my cousin is sleeping over, me & my sister played trauma centre on wii, and my family + my cousin's are waiting to watch the midnight fireworks on tv.

hope everyone had a great year, and will have a totally awesome one next year.

rach xxx

Sunday, December 26, 2010


we haven't written much this month have we?

since we are so empty of posts on this blog, i shall contribute...

so i went shopping on thursday (23rd) with chen & sarah at parra westies. it was pretty fun, and we managed to fit in about 4 hours of shopping before we got bored and went home. (:

bought daphne's and glo's presents, so next time i see you, i'll bring them. (:

my cousins from canberra came over yesterday and i've been snagging movies of them; about 90gb worth of movies.

i've got inception on blu-ray!!! awesome-ness.


i hope everyone had a great christmas!

(me & my family & chen & sarah are going to dfo tomorrow to catch boxing day sales.) (;

rach xxx

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Yeah, so yesterday, I went to watch Devil.

Let me tell you, it did not reach my expectations in terms of scariness.

In terms of creepiness and special effects, sure, it was okay.

The movie was more funny than scary.

No offence.

Okay, so a synopsis without spoilers:

A guy jumps off a building from the 35th floor to this death, and well, there's these two detectives and stuff who try to solve it. They figure out that the truck that the guy landed in had moved, and so yeah, they found glass in front of a building and stuff. Then they see a shard of glass fall, and it barely misses the detective guys and some cleaner dude.
Around the same time, five people go into an elevator - a guy who sells mattresses, some creepy mystery guy (don't worry, you find out who he is later), a young lady and some old lady and a temporary security guard for that building. They're all guilty of something they've done in the past, so.
The elevator malfunctions and stuff and it blacks out and stuff and they start dying, one by one..
A security guard looking over the scene kinda narrates the story about the Devil and stuff, and yeah, I'll stop there..

Well, if I had to rate it out of ten, it'd be a 5.5/10, no offence to the movie.

Yeah, well, it just didn't have the FEAR FACTOR for me. Sure, the Devil was creepy. But still. It disappointed me.

And it's six days until I go to America! I promise I'll get you guys something, but something small, just tell me what you guys want, and no, Gloriana, I'm not getting you a corndog. Quarantine.

I'll keep you posted from America,


Monday, December 6, 2010

My long awaited wishlist which you might have already seen...

ok i'm going to make this post short which is unusual for me because i usually blab on and on... making this short coz i wanna go back to obsessing which reminds me of another thing i told jo. "i am focusing only on SHINee and the rest are like ...well haha stuff that. Been listening to other k-pop people eg. KARA-they're pretty good, more B2ST, After school and more SHINee. Watched another thing with SHINee in it. some korean game talk show thing called star golden bell. really really funny and omg just really interesting! anyways, this should be on glenny's so i am going to post abt it in more detail. Back to the wishlist... well here it is:
  • Immersion-Pendulum-Annie
  • In Silico-Pendulum-Jo bought it already...
  • Inception-Amy
  • Tofu-Daphne??? maybe i dunno
  • Looking for Alaska-John Green-book...or i could just borrow from the library
  • Earphones!!! really need them. my other 2 pairs broke...
  • Anything SHINee!!!! actually not really.. i want their album/cd or some kind of poster...
  • if not... you can resort to:
  • gift cards :) - just jeans.. the bankstown just jeans is really good.., westfield in general, sanity....
  • or just money... yayayyayay coz i'm broke... haha
  • there are others but i doubt you guys can get them (eg. shoes, clothes, makeup hahahhahahahahha jks)
  • though if you can find a good pair of gladiators please let me know...
TAEMIN!!! yeah i think the ranks changed again.. 1. Taemin for eternity then everyone else is tied on 2nd. Sorta started liking Onew... haha.. he is funny. Anyways... it is up so you guys have to put yours up! two more things: ANNIE PLEASE SEND THE TIE! and for jo and annie: who is taking us to bankstown on


Friday, November 26, 2010

Thursday, November 25, 2010

taylor momsen before the teenage prostitution.

Taylor Momsen was so freaking cute!

ARGH, how did she turn into a teenage prostitute? How?!

What has happened?!

From cute kid to slutty zombie. How devastating.

mon wishlist as requested

Okay, guys, I feel really bad about putting up a wishlist for Xmas, but since you guys are all naggity-naggity, I shall put one up. So then you can stop being so naggity-naggity on what to get me for Christmas.

So here they are, not in any particular order of preference. I don't really mind which one you get me, as long as I don't get duplicates cause well.. yeah. I don't care if you don't get me anything on this list either, cause, well, I didn't deserve any of this and the only reason I put this up was cause you guys decided to be naggity-naggity.

1 - Absolutely nothing.
2 - Lolita (TAKEN BY GLO)
3 - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (TAKEN BY DAPHNE)
4 - Northern Lights (TAKEN BY ANNIE)

5 - A slutty elf costume. JOKES.
7 - Maybe an AC/DC, Oasis, REM, Led Zeppelin, Guns n' Roses or Metallica albums. But if it's Metallica, please either get me 'Death Magnetic' or '.. And Justice for All'. With the others, I'm not so picky.
8 - Dry shampoo ;) no, seriously. I meant it.
10 - Amy Ha's love.
11 - Rudy freakin' Steiner. He is freaking awesome. And cute. And AWESOME. Possibly sexy. Ooh. Well he's just freaking awesome because he just is. He is super awesome and sexy and I really really like his eyes ANDDDDDDDD .. ;)
12 - Something Donnie Darko related. Maybe the DVD if it's cheap.
13 - Urgh, I don't know ! I don't really care! Seriously, surprise me! Or go wildddddd!

So, there you go, my totally sucky wishlist. Personally I don't expect a DLSR, a slutty costume or RUDY FREAKING STEINER.

Okay, I really, REALLY want Rudy Steiner.

But I know I can't get him because he's totally fictional.

Oh damnation!

And I was so so sad when ____________________________ and Liesel ___________________.



Anyway, I'm gonna go do my maths homework now. We're on Exercise 5P and Ms Maloukis is all like, YAY let's do all 2769872396879238 questions yayayayayayya~!

But I have GOT to say, her hair looked nice today. She said she has a GHD or something. Which turns out to be a straightener. I think I'm living under a rock. Yes, that's it.


The bell has gone psycho.

RIP school bell.

That's all for now, I THINK.


Note - there's a identical one on my other singular blogggggggggggggggg :)

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Dad: "Why are the people in Avatar blue? I don't understand. Is the colour broken or something?"
Well, yesterday, I saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! Yay! It was pretty brilliant, in my opinion. Really surpassed my expectations. David Yates has finally grown up. Yay!

Maybe I'll write a review later or something. Maybe. Maybe.

Off now to watch the Behind the Magic thing for Harry Potter.

Thursday, November 18, 2010




YAY; i'm so happy...there's still 1 hour and 10 minutes left until i see it, though.

oh well. i'm still happy. omnomnom.

trying to kill time, i guess.

ugh you know what? i'm so fat now. :( i'mma sad.

but i'mma happy.

harry potter makes me happy.

so i'm happy. :)

oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh. i have to go eat now.

i'll tell you people how it was tomorrow, okay?



rach xxx

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Justin Bieber died.

Here's the video.

However, he died on South Park.

How he passed was hilarious though.

Anyway, I'm not good at writing long posts. And I don't really want to blog about my chain of nosebleeds and stuff over here.

900 views on DeviantArt! WOOO!

So yeahhhhhhhhh. I'll just go nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.



Tuesday, November 16, 2010

daniel radcliffe is very cool.

Daniel Radcliffe, my dears, would be a truly brilliant chemistry teacher.

He sang a song called 'The Elements' on some British talk show and it was so freaking awesome!


Saturday, November 13, 2010

HP7. :D

the full crew is now here. :D

ain't it great?

heehee. well, right now, i'mma chillin' in ma room. with taylor swift music. heh.

work today was kinda boring. ugh. little kids can be SO annoying. *shakes some random invisible shoulders* man man man. those bleckheads.

actually, today was kinda a turning point: i can now talk comfortably with joe & joyce. :) goodie goodie gumdrops.

om nom nom...


i'mma so happy...:D

and after work, we went to sam's warehouse (some random warehouse that sells stuff for cheap) :D not that you care, but the impulse deodorant was only $3, or 2 for $5! usually it's around $4.89 per can thing. happiness. i've got my old deo back; the paris one. :D:D:D:D

hmm what else is there to say...oh right.

my birthday is...lemme count, wait a sec...9 days away, according to my laptop's calendar. :)

i hope no one tries to scare me on my birthday.

i'm actually kinda worried if you planned something and i die of a heart attack when it happens...

but i know you guys aren't that mean, right? right?


i'm getting worried. :/

nah, i'm kidding. you don't have to plan anything, but, you know, i'm still worried that i'll have to carry stuff around all day. @_@ hehe. you can always tell if it's someone's birthday, 'cos they're always carrying around shit. :D


okay that was random. i'm so bored.

i think i'll end this post on a high note.


haha, totally.

rach xxx

also, just liked to say WELCOME DAPHNE. :) that was belated, but then again, i'm usually not on time; procrastination rules.

Friday, November 12, 2010

I joined... Yay!

I joined today.


The jarg' can now become the jarg'd.

I couldn't help realising that before this post there were 69 posts... (hehe)

Well this post is meant to be really longgg (as said by Rachel)

But honestly I have nothing to write about.

Actually Annie your drawing of the fat face made my day :) And the fact that you completely zoned out when Ms. Vis called your name.

Sorry to make you relive your worst nightmares.

I think this week has been horrible.

Actually one of the worst weeks of my life.

It sucked beyond "suckage" (I stole your word)

Sorry to start off on a depressing post.

But I need to say something...

msn sucks.

Bye bye


Daphnee <3

Sunday, November 7, 2010

although today is the seventh, i feel the need to say...

Remember, remember
the fifth of November
gunpowder, treason and plot.

You know what we should all do?

Watch V for Vendetta.

Friday, November 5, 2010


Ok here is my annie video. urgh i don't think im going to be able to do my clone video which is annoying. oh well. Anyways, haven't posted here in a while and a lot has happened actually.
Firstly, yearlies are over and we have already gotten our results back for our languages and yeah. Next week we should be getting back the rest. Urgh not looking forward to it. So depressing. I think if i get a bad mark i might just go home and sleep. It seemed to work this Wednesday where i just went home, tried to read Harry Potter and got up to the 8th page before i fell asleep. 
Secondly, a virus got into my computer and ate away internet explorer so we didn't have internet for like a couple of days. We got a guy to try fix the comp and he said that the internet explorer was really dead and so he installed firefox instead so now we have firefox and i'm trying to get used to it. It feels kinda odd actually. All my favourites are gone which means i have to get them all back and bookmark them. 
Thirdly, not that this is quite interesting or special or anything but my nails have grown to the length where i think i have officially beaten claire riley's record. I am starting to feel the negative impacts of having long nails eg. finding it a whole lot harder to type and accidentally scratching myself every two milliseconds and because of this i'm probably going to cut them soon just like how annie is bored with her hair and want to cut it or get a fringe.
Fourthly, not that this is interesting either but the chicken chilli tender rolls you can get at the canteen have now gotten so spicy that it has literally killed someone. Actually no. IT IS SO FREAKING SPICY! not that i'm one to complain because i really like spicy stuff but the roll is seriously ripping my tongue out. ARRRGGHH! i think it is the sauce. yeah its the sauce. Annie couldn't even finish it but i urged her on.
Fifthly, i now officially like doing the crossword in the mx. I did it yesterday with the help of jo, annie and her trusty dictionary. We had like one word left and we couldn't get it because two other words were wrong. I officially hate the word puma. damn pumas. We also didn't get into the lost in love despite our efforts. Anyways, jo and i tried again today but failed miserably because annie was at this writing masterclass and probably dozing off most of the time during talks. So we went to get Kenneth's help since he is the corssword mastermind/genius. Yes Annie and Kenneth would make the world's best crossword couple. OMG they should seriously be a couple considering their book knowledge and love of nightwish!!!
What am i up to oh yea sixthly, PENDULUM IS PLAYING TONIGHT ACROSS FROM OUR SCHOOL AND I DON'T HAVE FREAKING TICKETS EVEN THOUGH I COULD HAVE SO TOTALLY GOT THEM!!!! WHYYYYY!!!!! sob sob. so sad i was moaning with eileen and michelle today. Can't they're in Sydney! it is so exciting. i will definitely see them in concert one day. I'm going to see the script anyways so i should be happy.
Seventhly are these even words, hmmmmm oh yeah im totally book crazy actually no. i just have like a billion books to read right now. going totally bonkers. everyone expects me to read harry potter so i am before the last movie comes out. I also have to read the book thief, beautiful creatures which stephenie stole off me, some sarah dessin books, LOOKING FOR ALASKA!!!! SQUEAL!!! even annie seems to like it because of one like which i must say is quite spectacular, the book daphne recommended to us - stolen, the song of the lioness series, squire, northern lights series and some other book i can't remember oh yes something about a serial killer (the book dora had). AHHHHHH!!! i have to read potter first. sooo many books.
Eightly, i want to watch some movies too both in the cinema and on dvd - OMG THE LOVED ONES!!!!!!! freaking ahhhhh scream i really need to watch that, spirit random horse movie that some people in my class have watched and loved and laughed at, 10 things i hate about you (movie with JGL as a kid) and tropic thunder for a laugh. Going to see two animated movies for school excursions since fox studios is like just across the road. Megamind and Guardians of Gahoole. I wanna watch the owl movie cause i read the first book of the book series like years ago and it is very very good.
Ninethly ok i don't think these are numbers, Daphne is joining this group blog because she is part of our J.A.R.G'.D name so yeah welcome aboard. That remnds me of my bad behaviour at school as in i have been writing jarg'd on the sides of many school desks and it has already been written on our lunch spot.
Tenthly, birthdays are coming up. Angela's is coming up and yayayayyyayayay. actually i dunno. i don't paticularly like birthdays that much. but still good for the b'day person. My dad's is also coming up and i have to get him something and it can't be flowers haha. and then it is one of our own RACH! but we will save the celebrations till then because it is still early on in the month.
Elevently haha, this should have been at the top but i had an obsession with an asian drama which i can say firstly was not korean and was still really really good. you may say it was lame bu seriously i freaking cried it was so good. mum cried too. yeah and like most obsessions i fell in love with another guy more than double my freaking age. oh well he is cool not going to say who coz his name is lame. Anyways, dad says it was also a good tv series and that he might rent more of the same genre considering is was a great way to get the whole family watching something together and loving it. My gosh i wasn't the only one obsessed with the drama. I'm pretty sure that on one night we watched until 11:30pm and that includes Josh. yeah... don't judge me rach. noooooo stop judddggiingg. : (
I think that is all i had to say. 11 points is all. tired now. sad because pendulum is playing in like 2 hours time and i freaking love them. Oh i almost forgot, video has alyssa falling from an asthma attack which i must commend because it is the most epic fake fall i have even scene(haha you get it? haha lamo) ok whatever. did my music presentation and got my art project back so i have had basically a bludge week this week. We mostly watched a tonne of movies in class which reminds me of the constant riddles that i was trying to figure out while telling on monday.

Anyways, hope you like the quick random vid and yeah have a nice weekend i know what im going to be doing all weekend argghh more harry. The ending to another very long post by the one and only...

Thursday, November 4, 2010


i've finally finished my essay!

which essay? MY MERCHANT OF VENICE ESSAY! (it was due about 7 weeks ago).

aren't you proud of me? haha. procrastination is such a bad habit...

and i'm still listening to taylor swift non-stop. heehee. :)

i'm soooo in the mood for chocolate. someone please grant me some chocolate. where's honeydukes when you need it? =="

and i'm doing more sudoku. i haven't finished this one really ANNOYING puzzle. argh.

oh dear. i've just realised. i haven't finished doing my 100 sit-ups for today.


rach xxx

Sunday, October 31, 2010

i'm speaking now.

yes, we haven't reached as many posts as last month. we've done about half as much...hmm.

it's going to be november tomorrow. i love november. not just because my birthday's in november.

to annie - long live is a nice song, but i don't really understand the king and queen thing. but i LOVE the chorus. the verses are good too. :D:D:D:D

speak now is a great album...i'm totally going to buy it. :D

i especially like the lyrics "i was screaming long live/all the magic we made/and bring on all the pretenders/i'm not afraid". :)

but one of my favourite lyrics on the album "so this is me swallowing my pride /standing in front of you/saying i'm sorry for that night /and i go back to december all the time".

perhaps it strikes me because i'm just too prideful/proud. hmm. :/

i'd just like to say all shall be revealed tomorrow at school. you'll understand when i tell you.

BUT ANYWAY, speak now is a strange song. i also like mean.

you know what? i'll just rate (& comment on) them for you here.
  1. mine - 4.5 stars; good song. great lyrics, though for people who don't like sappy-ISH stuff, i don't think you'll like it as much.
  2. sparks fly - 5 stars; really good tune, cute lyrics. i totally love it!!! :D
  3. back to december - 4 stars; apparently dedicated to taylor lautner. good song, but i'm not the type who likes many slow sad songs...still good though! worth a listen.
  4. speak now - 3.5 stars; now, in this song, taylor has a strange voice. there's less instrumental in the background. it's okay.
  5. dear john - 4 stars; it's dedicated to john mayer. it's a sad song, and i like it, strangely. the lyrics strike me...
  6. mean - 4.5 stars; i thought i wouldn't like it at first. it sounds quite country-ish at the beginning, but there aren't pick-up trucks. catchy tune, i like the chorus. people can relate to this.
  7. the story of us - 4.5 stars; i like this song, perhaps because of the more pop/rock-ish type instrumental compared to taylor's country/pop. have a listen (it has a great chorus)! [supposedly] dedicated to joe jonas.
  8. never grow up - 3 stars; i sound kind of harsh, but i don't really like this song. i don't enjoy it as much...don't ask me why; i just don't.
  9. enchanted - 5 stars; these lyrics just work. i love the chorus. this song makes me sad, though it's good, as usual for taylor. it's just a wonderful song.
  10. better than revenge - 5 stars; hah. i LOVE this song. it's pretty cool. i reckon it's more me. well, more the rebellious side of me. :D definitely recommend.
  11. innocent - 4.5 stars; it's good. it's dedicated to kanye west. hmm, well it's a sad song. this song also makes me feel sad...i really love the chorus though.
  12. haunted - 5 stars; reminds of delta goodrem songs: the beginning doesn't sound country-ish at all. but i love it all the same.
  13. last kiss - 3.5 stars; very slow song. kinda drags out...also supposedly dedicated to joe jonas. um, i just don't really like it.
  14. long live - 4.5 stars; really happy song. i can totally see annie listening to this. i love the tune! strange lyrics, though. i don't understand the king and queen thing.
  15. ours - 4.5 stars; okay song. i like the tune, and the lyrics are slightly cheesy. :/ it's cute too.
  16. if this was a movie - 4.5 stars; it's good, though it reminds of some of her other songs...ish. it's strange, though still likeable.
  17. superman - 5 stars; pop/rock-ish beat. the chorus has a nice tune. i just love it for some reason.
note: 15 onwards are featured as the first 3 tracks on the international deluxe edition bonus disc of speak now.

wow that took a while...i should sleep. school tomorrow, and my sister's last hsc exam.

goodnight to you all, and farewell to hallowe'en for this year.

rach xxx

windows live messenger will be the death of me.

I am not even joking.
Hello? How do people survive?
What can I say but DOUBLEYEW-- TEE-- EFF?!
Really. There is NOTHING ELSE I CAN SAY.
(eh, eh... gosh darn, do I hate Lady Gaga.)

Somebody needs to tell the Messenger people how much their new version sucks beyond suckage.
Ew. I can't even think about it without wanting to throw myself off a cliff.
I shall finish with an ode to Windows Live Messenger The New Version:
Windows Live
Messenger the New
Version: I think you suck
beyond suckage and
should go drown in
the river Seine;

OK, cool. The last time I did a diamante was in, like... year three?

However, I am short of time and I cannot go off on another tangent.
Must restart computer!
Onwards with The Merchant of Venice thing!
Farewell, my darlings!

happy hallowe'en!

it's hallowe'en today.

i'm not entirely sure how i feel about this though...i just hope there's only a few kids coming 'round for trick-or-treat-ing, so that i get the rest of the lollies.

so far today, i've done some sit-ups, taken a few photos of the sky...and one other thing.

i cut my nails.

it's kinda disappointing. it's kinda hard to type, but meh. my fingers look fat, short and stubby. i'm realised just how ugly my nails are...:( it's not good.

oh yes. i remember, i also did about 10 sudoku puzzles, or more, while listening to taylor swift's new album, Speak Now.

i've burnt her songs onto a disc and have been listening to her new songs all day long...

listen to this song (it's sparks fly, and it's really good. maybe not so much to jo, but yeah!)

yay. c'mon guys. listen! that's right. press the play button!

rach xxx

Sunday, October 24, 2010

You know, this is the 63rd post -- the same amount of posts that I have on my other blog. Amazingly.

And so, I shall postz0rz!

Yup, tomorrow will be DOOMSDAY. Ooh ! :D

And yes, this is the event we dread the most.

It is.. *drumroll..*


I had to take drastic measures for this year's yearlies.

I closed down my Facebook account, but then I reactivated it knowing that it would be not very effective and handed my password to Michelle so she could do whatever she wanted and she could keep me off.

Even though my Mum was kinda iffy about that since she wants to contact her sister in Vietnam or America or Australia or I DON'T KNOW MY MUM HAS TOO MANY SISTERS. D:

But yeah, I'm facebookless. Until the end of yearlies, when mum decides to go mad and demand me for the password and then she'll be shocked when I say I don't have it hehe.

But anyway, I'm such a massive procrastinator! I was watching MOVIES yesterday. Though, however, I was watching it for a good cause. I was watching Donnie Darko to redo my music analysis.

It's one of the movies on I MUST WATCH THIS MOVIE BEFORE I DIE list or something along the lines of that.

Yeah. And it was pretty good. Actually, it was BRILLIANT.

I don't know if you guys are iffy on psychological thrillers, though. But I reckon Inception was a psychological thriller. I don't know, I'm pretty bad at categorising.

Anyway, it is so so so good. And there's Jake Gyllenhaal. I think Glo, Annie and I made fun of his last name once and had a parody character called 'Jake Sluttenwhore'? I think. Something along those lines.

He looks pretty cute in this movie. Then again, he was still quite very youthful.

Actually, he was twenty.

Anyway, he's actually a pretty good actor.

I want to watch Brokeback Mountain.

I don't think my parents will let though.

They were pretty iffy about Donnie Darko. And that's only M. And whenever my friends (yes, meaning you guys down below) and I go to the cinemas, we always end up watching some M movie, apart from the exception of Toy Story 3.

I'm obsessed with Donnie Darko, man ! This isn't cool .

Anyway, I have been persuaded into writing my email beforehand, which wasn't very useful since I finished and edited it in like ten minutes.


Anyway, I reckon I should stop swooning and start studying.

And guys, how do you study for English ?! No, Annie, I don't think memorising my essay will do, since I only got 17 for it. :(

Wow mango! I'm writing longer and longer posts by the day! Remember that post from like ages ago and it was like:

TITLE: (some word)
POST: I'm stupid. Bye. (or something like that.)


Yeah, that was pretty short.

This is UBER (pardon my use of the word uber for now) long. Compared to that. Above.

Anyway, what was I talking about? Doomsday, that's right.

Yay, light bags for a week.

NOOO, exams.


Anyway, I recdkon I should go back and study or something.


L'intention fait le crime, pas la chance.

Friday, October 22, 2010

strike and inspire.


this blog hasn't been written on for, oh, twelve days or so???


not really.

i guess we're all kind of busy...

but i have something to say.

well, something recently hit me.

no, it wasn't nikki.

it was an idea...a stroke of inspiration, if you will.

i've decided to start writing again. great, huh?

no. well, it's a slightly positive thing, i guess.

i know that i shall never reach annie's standard, but at least know that i've tried. or acknowledged it...

lately i've just been hearing little snippets of wording flowing through my head, though they weren't necessarily all happy little stories...

i've also been thinking of song lyrics too, but i know i'll never be a songwriter.

so, this is the end. i make my posts deceptively long, don't i? but they always turn out to be about a paragraph or two, with lots of spaces in between.

so i just thought i'd get that out of the way; out of my long-nailed, slightly creative, logical yet sometimes illogical system.

this post was just to inform everyone, which i might not have done nearly as well as if i had posted this on my other blog.

i think that last sentence made sense. i can't tell anymore...

rach xxx

Sunday, October 10, 2010


oooooooohhhhhhhhh yyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeahhhhhhh!!!! that reminds me of the pretend sex scene in easy a.
haha awkward... i can assure you though i am no olive penderghast.
Back to my   oooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yyyyyyyeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhh!
im on fire.
four posts on glenny's
i decided to write here coz it is a little like a ghost town.
actually four posts seems tiny compared to the 100 that rach did a while back.
four is a lot though.
coz my some of my posts are super long.
anyways, thanks for reviving my cbox even if it was revived by mr thomsen errr...

guess since i'm bored and i don't feel like putting up another vid and this isn't really the right place to be vidding anyways so here are some pictures that i picked out randomly.

 shut up and let me be taller than jo for once

beautiful rach and her beautiful camera

fighting over andrew again tut tut :)

hello i'm just here to annoy you.