Friday, December 31, 2010

end of the year.

wow. can you guys believe it?

it's the last day of the year, which will officially (in Australia) be ending in half an hour...

end of 2010...start of 2011.

new year.

blegh. i have nothing to say, really.


well, it turns out that i didn't just sit around all day, as expected. at 5, my cousin came over and my parents said we were going to go for a walk on the beach [at brighton-le-sands], so i wore a t-shirt and a skirt.

as it turns out, we actually stayed for the 9 o'clock family fireworks. it seems that the brighton-le-sands fireworks were better than the harbour's. but of course, the harbour has the best midnight ones. (:

so we got back home, my cousin is sleeping over, me & my sister played trauma centre on wii, and my family + my cousin's are waiting to watch the midnight fireworks on tv.

hope everyone had a great year, and will have a totally awesome one next year.

rach xxx

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