Tuesday, November 22, 2011

the birthday girl

yes, today's my birthday!


how exciting. i am now 15 years OLD.


man. i feel old. i am 15.........1 & 1/2 decades old.................more than 1/10 of a century. wow. that puts it into perspective.

anyway, thanks to all the people who wished me happy birthday, as well as my friends (mcjag'd). a special mention to CAT who made delicious cupcakes and got me a lovely bag. daph, thanks for the popcorn & TRUFFLES! :) to the others, thanks for the lollies. (raspberries and cream + babies = yummyness)

also, our class watched blink in english today. it was COOL. it was particularly amusing when everyone screamed. hehehe..................


thanks everyone,

rach xoxoxoxo

Monday, October 31, 2011


so...yeah. just thought i'd wish you all a happy halloween...............now i have to go out and buy lollies for any little monsters that might come 'round. see ya.

rach x

Monday, October 10, 2011

first day.

oh my god.

like, seriously guise.

first day of school was not as terrible as i expected, but i always expect the worst anyway...that way i'm never disappointed, right? but whatever.
  • science = learning about pregnancy/ecosystems
  • elective history = booklets
  • sport = power walking. power walking was fun (just walking around centennial park with glo and daph)
  • english = watching gone with the wind
  • maths = BORING!
unfortunately our duke of ed log is due tomorrow and so is our english creative writing task. i need to fix up mine a bit, but i still haven't started on my log. boohoo. i hope we're allowed to be very informal.

also, we got to wear our senior skirts for the first time today! :O daphne doesn't really like them that much, but i don't really mind them, except for the rolling up thingie (but it's still really loose when i roll the waist). it is also kinda long and yeah. i'll get used to it eventually though (i hope).

and our next duke of ed walk is this thursday & friday. :( 6km on the first day and then 16km on the second day. WHY!? i have work on saturday and i CANNOT skip another week. my legs will be sore and my feet will be swollen, like last time...

i have to go now, a new episode of the mentalist is on now, and i also need to go and do some homework.

see y'all laters!

rach x

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I'm hungry

Well obviously I'm hungry. I'm in a constant state of hunger or something. It's weird and it's stupid.

Anyway, time to blog about the dreaded Duke of Ed.

Yeah, I slept on a rock and heard a certain girl's voice ALLLLLLL night which was quite irritating, but the walk itself was decent enough and I can't believe there's another one during the first week back of Term Four. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.


And so I went home and I ate like a crazy maniac and I also ate at Rachel's house like a semi-crazy maniac cause it'd be rude if I just sat down and ate like a lunatic and depleted all of Rachel's family's food supply.

I was THAT hungry. Oh, and my legs were like jelloid and I was about to collapse into this little squiggly contortionist kind of thing but I kind of couldn't because.. I dunno. I think it's cause:

- I'm unflexible
- and so are my bones.

Anyway. My maths class was meant to have a test today, but it was postponed for next term. And Michelle drew on my arm and Ms Mas chucked a little GRAH WHAT THE HECK IS THIS kinda thingy and I had to go wash my arm with soap in the bathroom but that didn't work, so Ms Mas took me to the maths staffroom and gave me a sponge and fully scrubbed my arm and it hurt like heck. Oh, and it was itchy so then I just used the not-so-itchy side. Which was still itchy, gosh-dammit!

And I'm cutting my hair on Saturday and I'm cutting it pretty short. Mum wanted me to cut it short like a pixie cut but I kinda negotiated with her cause it'd be really weird on me. So I told her that I'll cut it short, but not overly short like a pixie haircut. I think she's cool with that. And so, she's taking me to the hairdresser for the first time in my life! Gosh, this is exciting. Except that whenever I ask people if hairdressers are scary, they say they're worse than Jigsaw. That kinda freaks me out. They're actually scarier than Jigsaw, or they're trolling. I'm seriously hoping it's the latter.

And it's the last week of tunics in our lives iuashfiuhasiufhiaushfiuasf! We'll never be juniors again and we'll never pass off as year 7's anymore! I'm kinda happy about being out of this stupid insulating hot potato sack but it makes me feel kinda nostalgic. Oh well, I'll make new memories out of the senior skirt. Which is annoying cause it's loose. And there are no belt holes. So I have to roll it up once just to make it more comfortable and tighter. Sometimes, I think that the skirt is merely the skimpier, smaller and shorter version of the potato sack.

Oh, and AzA, I dare you to roll your skirt up so it's super high for a DAY. That'll be amusing..

I look like I have an abnormal hip growth due to the stuff I keep in my pocket.

And I failed the sudoku yesterday, I was pretty upset about that. I DIED AND IT WAS SAD.

Oh and tomorrow's Thursday, but today felt so much like a Thursday, I think I'm deluding myself into thinking that tomorrow will be Friday (and the last day of school and those darned potato sacks).

I keep sleeping in geography, I swear I'm sleeping every lesson. I just hope I won't fail my yearlies and I'll continue sleeping. Haha nah, I've only been sleeping through presentations and movies. We were watching Twister and Mr Crilley had the most random (or is it randomest?) commentary. He commented on my sleeping. Then he woke me up. That was sad.


Oh and. I'll share a video for you all. I promise it's not screamo. I'll put it at the end or something. If that works. Actually, I don't know how to do this.. But I'll just link then.

I'm obsessed with alternate metal/screamo at the moment. Especially Deftones and Amity Affliction. OOOOOOOOOOOOH. And they're pretty modern. I'm getting with the timeeeeeees.

Urgh I'm so hungry. I'm going to help mum make dinner so I get even more hungry and then I'll eat like a cannibalistic wolf. Oh yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah.

Anyway, here's the link for the random song:


Once again, I promise it's not screamo. It's The Lost Sheep by Adrian Munsey. There's a string quartet backing up a guy who's singing 'baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' for the whole song. It's really quite emotional. And funny. The video just makes the whole thing funny.




Saturday, August 6, 2011

Saturday, July 16, 2011

excuse me?

"Here I am, minding my own business, when someone decides to throw a book at me!" -- Moaning Myrtle

Exactly the same thing happened to me. Except it was on tumblr. And it was a face.

I am SO ANNOYED right now at inconsiderate idiots who decide to post pictures of Scream masks and Jigsaw Killers on their tumblrs! What gives them the right to totally freak the heck out of an innocent passerby?!

This has actually happened to me several times in the past few weeks. I'm really upset, actually. HAVE SOME CONSIDERATION, PEOPLE! Every time I see Jigsaw or Ghostface, I get this really cold feeling down my back and I totally freeze up. It destroys me. And then my brain starts going through a list of all the horror movies I've seen, and I get freaked out and can't turn the light off when I go to bed.

Still, if we ever have a movie night in the future, I wouldn't mind watching the Saw movies. Or even the Scream movies. When I was watching Saw 1 and 2, though, I had to cover my eyes every time his mask was onscreen. It just fudges with my head.

Don't get me started on Ghostface. The other day, I was looking at a photo of Elvire yawning, and then I saw a shocking resemblance to Ghostface!!!! Imagine my horror!!! I got really freaked out of course, because her yawning mouth looked just like Ghostface's and her eyes were like, black dots, and that was scary.

I know I should face my fear and all that, but... yeah. No thank you.

I'm not a fan of the Friday the 13th mask either. And of course, Freddy Krueger's face is insanely freaky. Sometimes after I wash my hair and it's all in my face and I look in the mirror, I get scared as well because I look like the girl from The Ring. With shorter hair.

So the people who freak me out:
Jigsaw from Saw
Ghostface from Scream
Freddy Krueger from The Nightmare on Elm Street
The Ring girl
Jason from Friday the 13th
Bathilda Bagshot from Harry Potter

and... many more, who I can't remember right now.


Sunday, July 3, 2011

i am quite devastated.


novak djokovic shall be number 1 in the world by tomorrow morning. :((((((((((

i hate him.

well, i hate the fact that he shall be number 1. and the fact that he beat tsonga. :''''''((((((((

i LOOVVVVEEEEE tsonga. he's so awesome. :)))

man, he's great. and he's french. :))

the djokovic/tsonga game was pretty funny. especially the part where they both fell face-down like starfish.

AND I REALLY HOPE NADAL BEATS DJOKOVIC. i mean, i really really really hope nadal wins. because, you know, i love him and all.

ah, wimbledon. you have made me very sad this year. on the bright side, fifa world cup in 3 years. lulz. at least it's not 4.

farewell my children.

rach xxx

p.s bradley james is beautiful.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Overly affectionate public displays of affection

So yes. I was sittin' like a cool kid on the train, with Annie, Gloriana and Cecilia (since the others had departed). And then Cecilia left.

And there was.. this couple. And.. they were.. Eating each other's faces out. And it was.. awkward, to say the least.

Well, it's really awkward when you look up from your newspaper to talk to Gloriana who's sitting in front of you and in your umm, what's that word - umm, view-range, there's a couple that's making out fervently right behind her.

And so Annie decided to point out: PDA DUDE! *draws arrow towards the couple*

And so I look up.

It seems that they have decided to slip the tongue.


I felt pretty awkward to say the least.

And well, yeah.

They proceeded to make out for another two billion years. And they got off at Revesby.


Well, that was awkward.

I think I'll be over and out now.

- Jo

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Once upon a time, a girl played Spider Solitaire.

This game was fun. It was addicting. She only played at the easiest level because she always lost whenever she tried the harder levels. Yes, it was a very slack, selfish thing to do.

And then she discovered Hearts.

The day she lost her virginity to this game changed her life forever.

It wasn't a particularly fun deflowering, either. In fact, it was a deflowering that involved three other people, whose names were Pauline, Michele and Ben. (They were later changed to North, East and West.)

Skipping ahead several years, the girl rediscovered Hearts while watching another girl play it during maths class. She decided to attempt it.

She read the rules. She attempted it. She lost. She cursed the world. She closed the game. It counted as a loss in her statistics. She opened it again. Tried to play. Another loss in her statistics. Hot damn.

She then Googled. Then Wikipedia'd. Then reread the rules. Then decided to play until she won!



(This means that I did something totally awesome that completely screws over my opponents and turns me into a Hearts superstar.)

Yes, people, gather around, gather around, give me a pat on the back, yep I know I'm totally awesome, no I don't care that I proceeded to lose in the next few rounds, wow this blog hasn't been updated for a while, has it? Oh, thank you, you shouldn't have, pink carnations are my favourite (actually, snowdrops are). Oh, I'm your role model? I'm glad. Yes, my game statistics consist of 22 losses and zero wins, but we all know I'm still the coolest person on the face of the earth.



Monday, February 28, 2011


oh wow.

this is the second post of the month, and probably the last.

we're getting pretty lazy, aren't we? two posts in one month, and five authors. hehe

omgah. like seriously. i read this article today about a 29 year old woman who had her daughter when she was 15...

and now that daughter is preggos. AT 14 YEARS OLD.

so, a grandmother at 29, and a mother at 14.

what the hell was that chick thinking??? @_@

and apparently, the 14 year old girl and her 15 year old boyfriend will raise the child, as well as the girl's mother.


and i watched black swan yesterday (finally). it wasn't that good. i mean, like, the plot was good and all, but the movie didn't really interest me. it didn't capture my attention and make me wanna keep watching.




yeaaahh. that was pretty funny/awkward.

but meh. umm...

well, it's the last day of summer, so...it's going to be autumn tomorrow...how odd. already march. hah.

anyways, whatevs. stay cool, or whatever you are.

rachel xxx

Sunday, February 6, 2011


And so the first or second or whatever week of school is now over, and we'll be getting our wonderfully wonderful green wonderful laptops on the 14th of February.
I'm quite aware it's Valentine's Day, but I'd rather not call it that.
And the heatwave is over (finally!) and now it's just plain cold.
The Year 7's are somewhat annoying, and well, they STILL get bus priorities.
And I need to get what I'm actually DOING for my SRP - note, I have an idea, but that's different to knowing what I'm actually doing - and some proposal is due soon, and that my science teacher is gonna check our books or something.

so yeah.. I don't know.

I have added a few photos on DeviantArt, and I'm just saying, there will be more!

so, um, yeah.

Ms. Vis is apparently going to spring a topic test on us.


I think I'll go now.

jo :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

australian open final

kim clijsters won the australian open women's final!!!!!!!!!!!!!



congrats to na li for playing well too.

rach xxx

Friday, January 28, 2011


hey everybody,

just thought i'd tell you guys...


rach xxx

p.s he's going to be playing against novak djokovic. i hope he wins...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


this has actually been a pretty crappy summer holiday.

i have not gone swimming AT ALL these holidays.

of course i feel deprived, since i usually go at least twice a week. :(

and the situation with the floods in QLD & VIC. i wonder if all the schools will be cleaned up and ready for the students to come back? :|

but guess what? tomorrow, my [extended] family will be going to the beach, where i'm sure there will be plenty of bogans to avoid. ugh it's going to be so crowded and hot.

maybe not that hot, but you never know. i've just checked up on an online forecast and apparently the UV index will be"extreme". :|

i have to remember to bring sunscreen. and lots of water. gack.

man, i hate the beach. it's so sandy and salty and crowded (especially at bondi, cronulla, maroubra, etc).

i like pools much better. :)

oh well. at least the day after, i'm going to glo's place. :D

and school can go fuck off for another few months or so. thanks. ;)

rach xxx

Monday, January 17, 2011

..just some post to tell you guys what I've been up to.

So people,

I see that Annie's been up to no good being a pimp and getting married at thirteen even though I'm PRETTY SURE it's not legal unless if it's with parental consent.
And umm, yeah. I'm at home, and I was meant to go shopping today to buy some much needed SHORTS.
Okay, I need to comment on the weather here.
It is so flipping HOT.
It's winter.
And it's like, what, 25 degrees outside.
In celsius, of course. In Fahrenheit, it should be like 77.
And so I had to go out in a t-shirt and jeans and I was quite literally BURNING.
I went to the zoo yesterday. It was pretty much like Taronga Zoo. Except bigger. And there was this massive massive hill.
But anyway, I am sitting in the house, evaporating away. Argh, WHY DIDN'T I BRING SHORTS?
..that's right. It's because I don't have any. I only have one pair. And they're BROWN. Like our school uniform. Ew.
There's been a CSI marathon on TV and I've been watching it. And at night, I watch 'My Wife and Kids', and after that I watch Naruto Shippuden. Ackbert.
I went to Los Angeles/Hollywood or whatever that place is last week, and I stayed five days. It was really fun; I went to both Disneylands on the first two days, then I went to Universal Studios on the third - my Mum got conned into buying some deluxe combo, but it was worth it, 'cause I ended up on a tour bus that took us around Hollywood and Beverly Hills. I went to the Walk of Fame, took photos, saw Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum, though I didn't go in. I bought some random I HEART LA t-shirt, too. She took us to Beverly Hills as well, and we went around on the streets -- every store was designer, seriously. Dolce and Gabbana, Burberry, Fendi, Chanel, etc.. It was like DESIGNER PARADISE. I'm too povo for those stores though.

And my mum happens to have friends everywhere, so we visited my Mum's friend since Year 2 or something. We went to her house, ate food, went around the place, went shopping, gosh, if you know the right places, the clothes are so cheap D: Like seriously, high top black Converses for $40. How much are they here? I'm pretty sure they're over a hundred. Or somewhere around there.

And I went cycling, last week too, in some random park. YAYAYYAYAYAYA CYCLING. So I went on the left hand side for a while, me being me.. And there was no one on the pathway for a while, and suddenly I spot some person further down the path and she's giving me a 'what the heck are you doing you insolent teenager' look.

And I realise I'm in America. And so I switch sides. And it feels so, SO weird. Sure, I kinda got used to the car thing, but really, CYCLING? It just feels so.. odd. ODD. ODDDDD. ODDDDDDDDDDDDD.

My cousin is obsessed with Club Penguin.

Okay, well, what have you been up to in your holidays? I've sure watched a whole bunch of movies and stuff.

Apparently, the starsigns like changed or something? They added some new starsign called Ophiuchus, or Serpentarius, or WHATEVER YOU PEOPLE CALL IT.

So they like shuffled the starsigns or whatever so then OPHIUCHUS can fit in.

So now, Annie and I are Capricorns. Glo is a Pisces, and Rachel is a Libra.

Dear horoscopes, I am enraged.


Capricorn: Jan. 20-Feb. 16
Aquarius: Feb. 16-March 11
Pisces: March 11-April 18
Aries: April 18-May 13
Taurus: May 13-June 21
Gemini: June 21-July 20
Cancer: July 20-Aug. 10
Leo: Aug. 10-Sept. 16
Virgo: Sept. 16-Oct. 30
Libra: Oct. 30-Nov. 23
Scorpio: Nov. 23-Dec. 17
Sagittarius: Dec. 17-Jan. 20

come on, it was SO cool being an Aquarius.

Anyway, over and out!

jo :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

this is just to say.

This is just to say:

I have no life.

I'm sure you gathered that from the below post anyway.

I have been doing absolutely nothing these holidays. I've only stepped outside the house a few times. Mostly, I just stay up late. Then I sleep. Then I stay up late again, and the cycle repeats itself.

I don't even have a boyfriend yet. Tragic, I know. I've just myself on eHarmony because I'm so scared I'll die alone. But I'm so awesome I've already lined up five dates with five different guys. Yeah, woo, go me.

Oh, I'm so disappointed with my life I'm going to go drown my sorrows in alcohol. Tequila, anyone?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

my secret boyfriend.

Oh my gosh, guys, my life is so amazing!

I've been to an infinite number of rowdy parties (alcohol, anyone?), been to the beach at least twenty times and had twenty-five thousand sleepovers. Also, I got a boyfriend.

I know, right? His name is Randall. We've had so much fun together! We actually met early on during summer break, and he is the perpetrator who first introduced me to alcohol. Yup, ever since that first night of knocking back tequila shots, I've kept a handy bottle of vodka around everywhere I've gone-- which is everywhere.

Seriously, kids. I went for a spontaneous trip to the Bahamas with Randall for Christmas. Then we went to Antarctica, and Iceland, and Cuba! We've had a lot of... fun, you might say, in our hotel suite. Yes, that means exactly what you think it means.

We broke up at New Year's since he caught me making out with Bob Katter. I was in a state of inebriation, though, so I pleaded not guilty. We had this huge fight and I contemplated suicide. But then he came and serenaded me from my balcony window a few days after with a George Harrison song and a bouquet of a dozen roses. Romance, my darlings, is one of his many talents. And he has talents, I assure you. Especially in the bedroom.

You know how I used to think people who dated young were... um, strange? Yeah, well, buds, I take that back. We only have one life to live! Why are we wasting it being prudes and nuns? Come now, children. Go out drinking! Lose your virginity! Get tattoos! And piercings!

I actually got a tattoo the other day. It's a heart with 'Randall and Aza' in it. I'm telling you, I'm in love. I've never felt this way about a guy in the thirteen years of my life!

I heard from a mutual friend that he's actually planning to propose to me on Sunday. I'm still not sure what I'm going to say. Help me! Should I accept? I mean, I'm a tad bit young for marriage, but... true love prevails, right? And this is true love. True love beyond true love.

I think I will say yes.

Look, since everybody on this blog is either a nun or a prude and I'm the only one who actually has fun in life, I'm going to just say-- I don't CARE if you think I'm an idiot for marrying at the age of thirteen. I don't CARE if I've only known Randall for less than a month. He's my life now, and nothing you can say will change that. If you don't want to go to my wedding-- which I'm planning to set in Milan, by the way-- then fine. See if I care. Your loss.

For the benefit of anyone out there who's being a REAL FRIEND and supporting me, I'm going to talk more about Randall. Well, he's hot of course, and Yugoslavian. And the best thing? He's a vampire!


At first, I thought it was a hickey. And then I suddenly had this... thirst for blood. So I went and drained my neighbours of blood, accidentally killing them in the process. I've also left a string of unexplained serial murders around Western Australia, but haha, it's not like anybody is going to suspect a thirteen year old girl from South Dakota. Except now I've just told everybody on the internet. Whoops.

Yeah, so, now whenever I go out in the sun, I sparkle. Hehe. It's awesome.

Ooh, Randall's just called! He wants to go for a late night meal at the local pub! I'm sure you know what that means... vodka, vodka, and more vodka. And blood, 'cause we're vampires. And tequila because it tastes good. But mostly vodka.

Toodles, darlings!


And anybody who flames me or disses me, well, guess what? You're just jealous.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

finally managed to put a post up - no photos though

Anyway, a VERY BELATED merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

This week has been HECTIC, and I mean it. HECTIC.

My cousins from Texas came over on the same day that I arrived in California, and they are the awesomest cousins ever <3 my second-cousin Tien managed to show up too, that was really weird when I asked him who he was o-o'

So we had heaps of fun; we went to Vegas too, we went and saw the Bellagio Fountains and stuff and we even managed to go around the place without parents at night :L yes I'm still quite very surprised that my mum actually let me out at night in Vegas.

My cousins took me to see Jabbawockeez, an American dance crew which just happens to be a lot better than Justice Crew ==; they were actually quite interactive which was good so :L

and I watched Tron with them too, it wasn't that bad, it was actually pretty good and exceeded my expectations .. but I think I set the expectation kinda low on this one, compared to other movies.. ie. Harry Potter.

I've done way too many things here to write them all in a single blog post, but anyway, it's all good, I'll tell you guys the whole story when I get back to Australia..

My Texan cousins + second-cousin (actually from now on I'm just gonna say Texan cousins cause I think I can't be stuffed to write '+ second-cousin') could only stay at California for a week, cause they have school today. The weirdness of the American school system.. they have the weirdest terms or whatever. Really. They only have 36 weeks of school compared to our 40.

So yeah, they've gone back and now my aunt's house seems REALLY empty, cause normally there'd be a whole bunch of teenage kids running amok around the house shooting each other with nerf guns or raiding the pantry and eating all the food or clogging up the toilets or singing random music in the hallways or just being up to no good.

I'm part of the gunners and the pantry raiders.

We had a massive van to get around too, so we all managed to fit :L albeit it being quite squishy, it was actually pretty good for roadtrips when you needed a pillow or neck support or something.

So we went around in Vegas, and we had to design a system where we wouldn't lose each other, since Vegas is well.. Vegas. So we all ended up hooking arms, and every two metres or 7 feet or whatever the American people call it, there were people handing out cards with women in quite.. provocative positions on them. They're scattered everywhere, literally. There was this guy who also tried to sell us tickets to gay and lesbian stripclubs too, telling us that 'he won't tell nobody'.. that was pretty weird too, but it gave us a good laugh afterwards.

I got my hair cut on New Years, kind of sentimental, now it being a new hair cut for the new year, kind of like starting afresh or something. It's about five centimetres shorter and it's got light layers, my aunt cut it for me, and I was like, I don't know what to get, you can do whatever you want, and this is what she ended up with.. it's not bad either. It's obviously a change to what I'm normally used to, but meh, I'll get used to it.. And no, I am not leaving my hair down, because I can still tie it up just fine. I'll leave it down if I'm not bothered to tie my hair or for some special occasion or something.

Ahh, so now I'm at home, it's 12:09PM, and Morgan's gone off to school, and I'm sitting on the laptop looking for games to play cause I'm that bored.. Did I mention that I got my texan cousins into Tetris ? HAHAHA they're addicted now.. .. .. oops.

I've also developed a partially American accent, and I can somehow manage to switch out of an Australian and American accent at will now. It's so weird.. I developed an accent after like two days. Literally.

Dai sounded more Sydney-ish, and Tien made up his own accent which actually sounds cool.. but I think he lost it.

I can't believe they call the bathroom/toilet a RESTROOM. And they have GPA's. That really sucks for them, cause in Australia, nothing really counts until year 12, but in America, nothing really counts until Year 9. Heh.

And everything's reversed here. Like seriously, the escalators are on the right instead of the left? Ack. And people drive on the right hand side, obviously, and the wheel's on the left hand side of the car, and they have the weirdest house numbering system ever.. like every house skips like ten numbers.. but that's okay.

It's so different here, and it's pretty cold and all, and I'll put a few photos up.. I've taken like 250 photos already :S And my cousins have more photos too, so yup :||| I don't think I can put them all up, if you know what I mean.

And I'm sorry for making this blog post so very long, but you know, there's been a lot of stuff happening lately, and yeah..

I think I'll go now, but first let me ask you,

What are your new year's resolutions?

Mine's to do all my homework, but I reckon I'll fail.. I'll do as much as possible though ? *tries to pull off an innocent/angelic smile*

Actually, I'll REALLY go now. Whoa, this blog post is ultra long, but figures.

Merry belated Christmas and a happy belated new year ! :)

jo :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011


IT'S 2011.


it's a new year. a new decade.

and i don't feel any different.

this year will probably be like the last, starting off kinda awesome, then at school, with me writing 10 instead of 11 at the end of my dates.

well, happy new year, everyone.

i hope you all have a new year's resolution (& that you will stick to it).

this is the first post of the year. :D

sydney's fireworks just finished, and it was pretty awesome.

it kinda, like, OWNADED last year's fireworks, which were the worst i'd ever seen them. (:

sydney is awesome and hopefully this year will be too.

welcome (those that are actually in 2011) to the new decade, which will no doubt be filled with kids having more than they should, and adults and others feeling nostalgic.

oh well.

i hope it's been a good start for you,

rach xxx

p.s again, happy new year!