Sunday, February 6, 2011


And so the first or second or whatever week of school is now over, and we'll be getting our wonderfully wonderful green wonderful laptops on the 14th of February.
I'm quite aware it's Valentine's Day, but I'd rather not call it that.
And the heatwave is over (finally!) and now it's just plain cold.
The Year 7's are somewhat annoying, and well, they STILL get bus priorities.
And I need to get what I'm actually DOING for my SRP - note, I have an idea, but that's different to knowing what I'm actually doing - and some proposal is due soon, and that my science teacher is gonna check our books or something.

so yeah.. I don't know.

I have added a few photos on DeviantArt, and I'm just saying, there will be more!

so, um, yeah.

Ms. Vis is apparently going to spring a topic test on us.


I think I'll go now.

jo :)

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