Wednesday, January 5, 2011

finally managed to put a post up - no photos though

Anyway, a VERY BELATED merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

This week has been HECTIC, and I mean it. HECTIC.

My cousins from Texas came over on the same day that I arrived in California, and they are the awesomest cousins ever <3 my second-cousin Tien managed to show up too, that was really weird when I asked him who he was o-o'

So we had heaps of fun; we went to Vegas too, we went and saw the Bellagio Fountains and stuff and we even managed to go around the place without parents at night :L yes I'm still quite very surprised that my mum actually let me out at night in Vegas.

My cousins took me to see Jabbawockeez, an American dance crew which just happens to be a lot better than Justice Crew ==; they were actually quite interactive which was good so :L

and I watched Tron with them too, it wasn't that bad, it was actually pretty good and exceeded my expectations .. but I think I set the expectation kinda low on this one, compared to other movies.. ie. Harry Potter.

I've done way too many things here to write them all in a single blog post, but anyway, it's all good, I'll tell you guys the whole story when I get back to Australia..

My Texan cousins + second-cousin (actually from now on I'm just gonna say Texan cousins cause I think I can't be stuffed to write '+ second-cousin') could only stay at California for a week, cause they have school today. The weirdness of the American school system.. they have the weirdest terms or whatever. Really. They only have 36 weeks of school compared to our 40.

So yeah, they've gone back and now my aunt's house seems REALLY empty, cause normally there'd be a whole bunch of teenage kids running amok around the house shooting each other with nerf guns or raiding the pantry and eating all the food or clogging up the toilets or singing random music in the hallways or just being up to no good.

I'm part of the gunners and the pantry raiders.

We had a massive van to get around too, so we all managed to fit :L albeit it being quite squishy, it was actually pretty good for roadtrips when you needed a pillow or neck support or something.

So we went around in Vegas, and we had to design a system where we wouldn't lose each other, since Vegas is well.. Vegas. So we all ended up hooking arms, and every two metres or 7 feet or whatever the American people call it, there were people handing out cards with women in quite.. provocative positions on them. They're scattered everywhere, literally. There was this guy who also tried to sell us tickets to gay and lesbian stripclubs too, telling us that 'he won't tell nobody'.. that was pretty weird too, but it gave us a good laugh afterwards.

I got my hair cut on New Years, kind of sentimental, now it being a new hair cut for the new year, kind of like starting afresh or something. It's about five centimetres shorter and it's got light layers, my aunt cut it for me, and I was like, I don't know what to get, you can do whatever you want, and this is what she ended up with.. it's not bad either. It's obviously a change to what I'm normally used to, but meh, I'll get used to it.. And no, I am not leaving my hair down, because I can still tie it up just fine. I'll leave it down if I'm not bothered to tie my hair or for some special occasion or something.

Ahh, so now I'm at home, it's 12:09PM, and Morgan's gone off to school, and I'm sitting on the laptop looking for games to play cause I'm that bored.. Did I mention that I got my texan cousins into Tetris ? HAHAHA they're addicted now.. .. .. oops.

I've also developed a partially American accent, and I can somehow manage to switch out of an Australian and American accent at will now. It's so weird.. I developed an accent after like two days. Literally.

Dai sounded more Sydney-ish, and Tien made up his own accent which actually sounds cool.. but I think he lost it.

I can't believe they call the bathroom/toilet a RESTROOM. And they have GPA's. That really sucks for them, cause in Australia, nothing really counts until year 12, but in America, nothing really counts until Year 9. Heh.

And everything's reversed here. Like seriously, the escalators are on the right instead of the left? Ack. And people drive on the right hand side, obviously, and the wheel's on the left hand side of the car, and they have the weirdest house numbering system ever.. like every house skips like ten numbers.. but that's okay.

It's so different here, and it's pretty cold and all, and I'll put a few photos up.. I've taken like 250 photos already :S And my cousins have more photos too, so yup :||| I don't think I can put them all up, if you know what I mean.

And I'm sorry for making this blog post so very long, but you know, there's been a lot of stuff happening lately, and yeah..

I think I'll go now, but first let me ask you,

What are your new year's resolutions?

Mine's to do all my homework, but I reckon I'll fail.. I'll do as much as possible though ? *tries to pull off an innocent/angelic smile*

Actually, I'll REALLY go now. Whoa, this blog post is ultra long, but figures.

Merry belated Christmas and a happy belated new year ! :)

jo :)

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