Monday, February 28, 2011


oh wow.

this is the second post of the month, and probably the last.

we're getting pretty lazy, aren't we? two posts in one month, and five authors. hehe

omgah. like seriously. i read this article today about a 29 year old woman who had her daughter when she was 15...

and now that daughter is preggos. AT 14 YEARS OLD.

so, a grandmother at 29, and a mother at 14.

what the hell was that chick thinking??? @_@

and apparently, the 14 year old girl and her 15 year old boyfriend will raise the child, as well as the girl's mother.


and i watched black swan yesterday (finally). it wasn't that good. i mean, like, the plot was good and all, but the movie didn't really interest me. it didn't capture my attention and make me wanna keep watching.




yeaaahh. that was pretty funny/awkward.

but meh. umm...

well, it's the last day of summer,'s going to be autumn odd. already march. hah.

anyways, whatevs. stay cool, or whatever you are.

rachel xxx

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