Thursday, June 23, 2011

Overly affectionate public displays of affection

So yes. I was sittin' like a cool kid on the train, with Annie, Gloriana and Cecilia (since the others had departed). And then Cecilia left.

And there was.. this couple. And.. they were.. Eating each other's faces out. And it was.. awkward, to say the least.

Well, it's really awkward when you look up from your newspaper to talk to Gloriana who's sitting in front of you and in your umm, what's that word - umm, view-range, there's a couple that's making out fervently right behind her.

And so Annie decided to point out: PDA DUDE! *draws arrow towards the couple*

And so I look up.

It seems that they have decided to slip the tongue.


I felt pretty awkward to say the least.

And well, yeah.

They proceeded to make out for another two billion years. And they got off at Revesby.


Well, that was awkward.

I think I'll be over and out now.

- Jo

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