Friday, December 31, 2010

long live.

like in taylor swift's long live,

"it was the end of a decade, but the start of an age"

yes, it is the end of the noughties. what do we call this new decade?

i'm not entirely sure.

(and i'm not entirely sure if the age we're starting is a good one)

oh well...

this is the last post of 2010, so i'd just like to say that 2010 was totally awesome, and i'll miss it.

goodbye & hello.

out with the old and in with the new! (:

rach xxx

end of the year.

wow. can you guys believe it?

it's the last day of the year, which will officially (in Australia) be ending in half an hour...

end of 2010...start of 2011.

new year.

blegh. i have nothing to say, really.


well, it turns out that i didn't just sit around all day, as expected. at 5, my cousin came over and my parents said we were going to go for a walk on the beach [at brighton-le-sands], so i wore a t-shirt and a skirt.

as it turns out, we actually stayed for the 9 o'clock family fireworks. it seems that the brighton-le-sands fireworks were better than the harbour's. but of course, the harbour has the best midnight ones. (:

so we got back home, my cousin is sleeping over, me & my sister played trauma centre on wii, and my family + my cousin's are waiting to watch the midnight fireworks on tv.

hope everyone had a great year, and will have a totally awesome one next year.

rach xxx

Sunday, December 26, 2010


we haven't written much this month have we?

since we are so empty of posts on this blog, i shall contribute...

so i went shopping on thursday (23rd) with chen & sarah at parra westies. it was pretty fun, and we managed to fit in about 4 hours of shopping before we got bored and went home. (:

bought daphne's and glo's presents, so next time i see you, i'll bring them. (:

my cousins from canberra came over yesterday and i've been snagging movies of them; about 90gb worth of movies.

i've got inception on blu-ray!!! awesome-ness.


i hope everyone had a great christmas!

(me & my family & chen & sarah are going to dfo tomorrow to catch boxing day sales.) (;

rach xxx

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Yeah, so yesterday, I went to watch Devil.

Let me tell you, it did not reach my expectations in terms of scariness.

In terms of creepiness and special effects, sure, it was okay.

The movie was more funny than scary.

No offence.

Okay, so a synopsis without spoilers:

A guy jumps off a building from the 35th floor to this death, and well, there's these two detectives and stuff who try to solve it. They figure out that the truck that the guy landed in had moved, and so yeah, they found glass in front of a building and stuff. Then they see a shard of glass fall, and it barely misses the detective guys and some cleaner dude.
Around the same time, five people go into an elevator - a guy who sells mattresses, some creepy mystery guy (don't worry, you find out who he is later), a young lady and some old lady and a temporary security guard for that building. They're all guilty of something they've done in the past, so.
The elevator malfunctions and stuff and it blacks out and stuff and they start dying, one by one..
A security guard looking over the scene kinda narrates the story about the Devil and stuff, and yeah, I'll stop there..

Well, if I had to rate it out of ten, it'd be a 5.5/10, no offence to the movie.

Yeah, well, it just didn't have the FEAR FACTOR for me. Sure, the Devil was creepy. But still. It disappointed me.

And it's six days until I go to America! I promise I'll get you guys something, but something small, just tell me what you guys want, and no, Gloriana, I'm not getting you a corndog. Quarantine.

I'll keep you posted from America,


Monday, December 6, 2010

My long awaited wishlist which you might have already seen...

ok i'm going to make this post short which is unusual for me because i usually blab on and on... making this short coz i wanna go back to obsessing which reminds me of another thing i told jo. "i am focusing only on SHINee and the rest are like ...well haha stuff that. Been listening to other k-pop people eg. KARA-they're pretty good, more B2ST, After school and more SHINee. Watched another thing with SHINee in it. some korean game talk show thing called star golden bell. really really funny and omg just really interesting! anyways, this should be on glenny's so i am going to post abt it in more detail. Back to the wishlist... well here it is:
  • Immersion-Pendulum-Annie
  • In Silico-Pendulum-Jo bought it already...
  • Inception-Amy
  • Tofu-Daphne??? maybe i dunno
  • Looking for Alaska-John Green-book...or i could just borrow from the library
  • Earphones!!! really need them. my other 2 pairs broke...
  • Anything SHINee!!!! actually not really.. i want their album/cd or some kind of poster...
  • if not... you can resort to:
  • gift cards :) - just jeans.. the bankstown just jeans is really good.., westfield in general, sanity....
  • or just money... yayayyayay coz i'm broke... haha
  • there are others but i doubt you guys can get them (eg. shoes, clothes, makeup hahahhahahahahha jks)
  • though if you can find a good pair of gladiators please let me know...
TAEMIN!!! yeah i think the ranks changed again.. 1. Taemin for eternity then everyone else is tied on 2nd. Sorta started liking Onew... haha.. he is funny. Anyways... it is up so you guys have to put yours up! two more things: ANNIE PLEASE SEND THE TIE! and for jo and annie: who is taking us to bankstown on
