Monday, October 31, 2011


so...yeah. just thought i'd wish you all a happy i have to go out and buy lollies for any little monsters that might come 'round. see ya.

rach x

Monday, October 10, 2011

first day.

oh my god.

like, seriously guise.

first day of school was not as terrible as i expected, but i always expect the worst anyway...that way i'm never disappointed, right? but whatever.
  • science = learning about pregnancy/ecosystems
  • elective history = booklets
  • sport = power walking. power walking was fun (just walking around centennial park with glo and daph)
  • english = watching gone with the wind
  • maths = BORING!
unfortunately our duke of ed log is due tomorrow and so is our english creative writing task. i need to fix up mine a bit, but i still haven't started on my log. boohoo. i hope we're allowed to be very informal.

also, we got to wear our senior skirts for the first time today! :O daphne doesn't really like them that much, but i don't really mind them, except for the rolling up thingie (but it's still really loose when i roll the waist). it is also kinda long and yeah. i'll get used to it eventually though (i hope).

and our next duke of ed walk is this thursday & friday. :( 6km on the first day and then 16km on the second day. WHY!? i have work on saturday and i CANNOT skip another week. my legs will be sore and my feet will be swollen, like last time...

i have to go now, a new episode of the mentalist is on now, and i also need to go and do some homework.

see y'all laters!

rach x