Tuesday, November 22, 2011

the birthday girl

yes, today's my birthday!


how exciting. i am now 15 years OLD.


man. i feel old. i am 15.........1 & 1/2 decades old.................more than 1/10 of a century. wow. that puts it into perspective.

anyway, thanks to all the people who wished me happy birthday, as well as my friends (mcjag'd). a special mention to CAT who made delicious cupcakes and got me a lovely bag. daph, thanks for the popcorn & TRUFFLES! :) to the others, thanks for the lollies. (raspberries and cream + babies = yummyness)

also, our class watched blink in english today. it was COOL. it was particularly amusing when everyone screamed. hehehe..................


thanks everyone,

rach xoxoxoxo

Monday, October 31, 2011


so...yeah. just thought i'd wish you all a happy halloween...............now i have to go out and buy lollies for any little monsters that might come 'round. see ya.

rach x

Monday, October 10, 2011

first day.

oh my god.

like, seriously guise.

first day of school was not as terrible as i expected, but i always expect the worst anyway...that way i'm never disappointed, right? but whatever.
  • science = learning about pregnancy/ecosystems
  • elective history = booklets
  • sport = power walking. power walking was fun (just walking around centennial park with glo and daph)
  • english = watching gone with the wind
  • maths = BORING!
unfortunately our duke of ed log is due tomorrow and so is our english creative writing task. i need to fix up mine a bit, but i still haven't started on my log. boohoo. i hope we're allowed to be very informal.

also, we got to wear our senior skirts for the first time today! :O daphne doesn't really like them that much, but i don't really mind them, except for the rolling up thingie (but it's still really loose when i roll the waist). it is also kinda long and yeah. i'll get used to it eventually though (i hope).

and our next duke of ed walk is this thursday & friday. :( 6km on the first day and then 16km on the second day. WHY!? i have work on saturday and i CANNOT skip another week. my legs will be sore and my feet will be swollen, like last time...

i have to go now, a new episode of the mentalist is on now, and i also need to go and do some homework.

see y'all laters!

rach x

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I'm hungry

Well obviously I'm hungry. I'm in a constant state of hunger or something. It's weird and it's stupid.

Anyway, time to blog about the dreaded Duke of Ed.

Yeah, I slept on a rock and heard a certain girl's voice ALLLLLLL night which was quite irritating, but the walk itself was decent enough and I can't believe there's another one during the first week back of Term Four. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.


And so I went home and I ate like a crazy maniac and I also ate at Rachel's house like a semi-crazy maniac cause it'd be rude if I just sat down and ate like a lunatic and depleted all of Rachel's family's food supply.

I was THAT hungry. Oh, and my legs were like jelloid and I was about to collapse into this little squiggly contortionist kind of thing but I kind of couldn't because.. I dunno. I think it's cause:

- I'm unflexible
- and so are my bones.

Anyway. My maths class was meant to have a test today, but it was postponed for next term. And Michelle drew on my arm and Ms Mas chucked a little GRAH WHAT THE HECK IS THIS kinda thingy and I had to go wash my arm with soap in the bathroom but that didn't work, so Ms Mas took me to the maths staffroom and gave me a sponge and fully scrubbed my arm and it hurt like heck. Oh, and it was itchy so then I just used the not-so-itchy side. Which was still itchy, gosh-dammit!

And I'm cutting my hair on Saturday and I'm cutting it pretty short. Mum wanted me to cut it short like a pixie cut but I kinda negotiated with her cause it'd be really weird on me. So I told her that I'll cut it short, but not overly short like a pixie haircut. I think she's cool with that. And so, she's taking me to the hairdresser for the first time in my life! Gosh, this is exciting. Except that whenever I ask people if hairdressers are scary, they say they're worse than Jigsaw. That kinda freaks me out. They're actually scarier than Jigsaw, or they're trolling. I'm seriously hoping it's the latter.

And it's the last week of tunics in our lives iuashfiuhasiufhiaushfiuasf! We'll never be juniors again and we'll never pass off as year 7's anymore! I'm kinda happy about being out of this stupid insulating hot potato sack but it makes me feel kinda nostalgic. Oh well, I'll make new memories out of the senior skirt. Which is annoying cause it's loose. And there are no belt holes. So I have to roll it up once just to make it more comfortable and tighter. Sometimes, I think that the skirt is merely the skimpier, smaller and shorter version of the potato sack.

Oh, and AzA, I dare you to roll your skirt up so it's super high for a DAY. That'll be amusing..

I look like I have an abnormal hip growth due to the stuff I keep in my pocket.

And I failed the sudoku yesterday, I was pretty upset about that. I DIED AND IT WAS SAD.

Oh and tomorrow's Thursday, but today felt so much like a Thursday, I think I'm deluding myself into thinking that tomorrow will be Friday (and the last day of school and those darned potato sacks).

I keep sleeping in geography, I swear I'm sleeping every lesson. I just hope I won't fail my yearlies and I'll continue sleeping. Haha nah, I've only been sleeping through presentations and movies. We were watching Twister and Mr Crilley had the most random (or is it randomest?) commentary. He commented on my sleeping. Then he woke me up. That was sad.


Oh and. I'll share a video for you all. I promise it's not screamo. I'll put it at the end or something. If that works. Actually, I don't know how to do this.. But I'll just link then.

I'm obsessed with alternate metal/screamo at the moment. Especially Deftones and Amity Affliction. OOOOOOOOOOOOH. And they're pretty modern. I'm getting with the timeeeeeees.

Urgh I'm so hungry. I'm going to help mum make dinner so I get even more hungry and then I'll eat like a cannibalistic wolf. Oh yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah.

Anyway, here's the link for the random song:


Once again, I promise it's not screamo. It's The Lost Sheep by Adrian Munsey. There's a string quartet backing up a guy who's singing 'baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' for the whole song. It's really quite emotional. And funny. The video just makes the whole thing funny.




Saturday, August 6, 2011